- Real water area 真实水域
- Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we prevent a real water problem in the near future. 只有我们现在采取措施来解决这个问题,我们才能防止不久的将来会面临的水患。
- Huhehaote locates the droughty and lack water area. 呼和浩特市属于干旱缺水地区。
- Refers to Water area of rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoir, etc. 指江、河、池塘、湖泊、塘堰、水库等各种流水或蓄水的水面占地面积。
- Virtual water trade within a nation or between nations can beseen as a strategy forthe real water transfer. 国家或地区之间的虚拟水贸易可被认为是真实水资源转移的选择性战略。
- With impressive water physics and breathtaking 3D graphics, your expensive toy will respond as if it's on real water. 通过逼真的水流物理学和惊人的3D图像效果,你就像在真实水面上驾驭这艘昂贵的摩托艇。
- "We should look at our future home, to bed-hop dance, go to swim and bath water to bring back a bottle of real water roses, to adventure skates in bed. “我们应该去看一下我们未来的家,到床上跳一跳,去浴缸里游游泳带一瓶真正的水回去浇玫瑰花,在床上旱冰鞋去探险。
- Permeable breakwater is economical and reasonable in deep water area with lowr and steep waves. 在水深较大、高较小而波陡较大的水域,透空式防波堤在经济上和结构上都是比较合理的。
- Oh, we back adventure, the book was great rejoicing. Then, we see a real water, wet, and indescribably more pleasant surprise! 哦,我们探险回来了,书中一片欢腾。接着,大家看见了真正的水,湿漉漉的,别提有多惊喜了!
- In scenario 5, there was not enough water area for the ships. The land was to be cut back and a few ships deleted. 场景5,没有足够的水面容纳船只。陆地应该缩进一些,删掉点船。
- Near the Qionghua Guild, a water area was provided for anchorage of the red boats. 琼花会馆附近设有琼花水部,是戏班的红船用来停泊的地方。
- Per capita occupancy volume is 420 cubic meters, belong to the abundant water area in the North. 人均占有量420立方米,在北方属丰水地区。
- And China has an offshore water area of 2.60 million ha suitable for aquaculture, but the utilization rate is only 28 percent. 海水可养殖面积260万公顷,利用率仅为28%25。
- The paper abtained the quantitative results of the storm surge and the strom current around the water area ... 同时通过假想台风的设计,计算了码头区域的最大可能风暴增水和风暴海流,可为大型码头工程的设计提供参数。
- The vast water area and lush food of the Wusuli River have provided a paradise for many birds. 乌苏里江辽阔的水域和丰美的食物给众多的鸟类提供了栖息的乐园。
- Everybody's support that can't leave until today in development of pouring water area and dedicating unselfishly! 灌水区发展到今天都离不开大家的支持和无私奉献!
- The water level of Qinghai Lake descends and its water area reduces in recent years owing to the climate changing. 近年来,由于气候条件的变化,青海湖水位呈下降趋势,水域面积逐年缩小。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- If a berthing water area exclusive for yachts belongs to a port, it shall conform to the port plan. 游艇停泊的专用水域属于港口水域的,应当符合有关港口规划。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。