- Pudu pudu n. 普度鹿
- So early in the morning, YY and YP traveled down to Pudu Bus Station. 不过,这次有进步,至少还不至于閙得太大。
- Grand, magnificent and modest, the main hall of Pudu Temple claims its uniqueness in Beijing through its distinctive architectural style of Manchu. 普度寺大殿宏伟、壮丽、古朴,专家说,带有如此鲜明满族风格的建筑在北京是极少见的。
- The outlet, located between the Times Square block on Jalan imbi and Pudu Jail, started business about Two months ago. 靠门处,一张小茶几和两张矮圆椅懒躺在一小角落,等待互说悄悄话的小情侣消磨一个晚上。
- I usually go to the Pudu main branch with the perception that the quality would be the best at the main branch. 我家啊,就是它的忠实粉丝,爱极它的蛋挞不用说,还有黑芝麻饼,烧包,鸡派和咸蛋酥等。
- Giving the name "honoring brothers" to Taiwan's seventh month Pudu rite has its own special historical background. 台湾七月普渡称为拜好兄弟实有其特殊的历史背景。
- The article makes the Minnan s folk-custom Pudu as a study object, analyses its nature, character and function. 本文以闽南普度民俗信仰为考察对象,分析其性质、特征和作用。
- The Pudu rite can be split up into the following parts: inviting the ghosts, offering them food, reciting sutras, then driving the ghosts away again. 面对社会不安之源的孤魂野鬼,发展出七月普渡的仪式,以安顿这些地狱中无人祭祀的恶鬼。
- The Pudu River developed with the Pudu Fault and the Xiaojiang River with Xiaojiang Fault flowed into the Kunming Basin,then formed the Dianchi Lake on 3. 沿普渡河断裂发育的普渡河和沿小江断裂发育的小江均汇入到昆明盆地,形成滇池,并产生厚达千米的堆积物。
- Apart from religious significance, the seventh month Pudu rite was the most important medium linking communities together in north and central Taiwan in the nineteenth century. 除宗教的意义外,七月普渡成为连结十九世纪台湾中北部社会最重要的媒介。
- "Winner's Fried Chicken", located at Kulua Lumpur, Pudu, Jalan Sayor is a famous store which against the famous familiar shop opposite them from the time they starting their business. 位于吉隆坡富都路的为食街,有家名号响当当的“四眼仔胜利家乡鸡”,每逢到了开档时间,总会把对面街的名牌家乡鸡给比下去,让对方黯然失色。
- After Redang - KL, go to Pudu buy ticket to Singapore for next day or the day after next, then from Pudu go to Genting, and stay there one night (www.genting.com.my).Go to Singapore after Genting. 第6天到第8天打算在新加坡玩请大家推荐新加坡的景点和住宿,在此谢谢大家了,也有可能缩短在新加坡的逗留时间,提前回吉隆坡在新加坡待几天差不多呢?
- "Females are usually called does, and males Bucks. Deer range in shoulder height from the 12-in. (30-cm) pudu (genus Pudu) to the 6.5-ft (2-m) moose." 南美短尾鹿属(Pudu)的种类肩高约12吋(30公分);驼鹿(moose)可高6.;5呎(2公尺)以上。
- Northern pudu n. 北普度鹿
- Pudu mephistophiles n. 北普度鹿
- Southern pudu n. 普度鹿;普度鹿(鹿科)
- Pudu 普度鹿