- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物。
- A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament or a badge of membership. 勋章作为装饰物或表示成员资格标志而佩戴的小饰针或徵章
- The lawyer tried to dig up all the particulars of the case as soon as possible. 那个律师试图尽快查明这一案件的全部细节。
- What are the benefits of membership? 会员的好处是什么?
- I agree to the terms and conditions of membership. 我同意会员条款。
- Have you learned the particulars of the accident? 你了解了事故的详细情况了吗?
- The injured went into particulars of the accident. 伤者叙述了事故的详情。
- The lawyer must know all the particulars of the case. 律师必须了解案情的所有细节。
- They entered into particulars of the subject. 他们谈了那个问题的详细情况。
- Particulars of membership 会员优先
- The teacher descended to particulars of the examination in English. 老师继而谈到英语考试的详细情况。
- They were at last able to learn the particulars of the earthquake . 最后,他们了解到了地震的详细情况。
- The police refused to divulge the particulars of the case. 警察拒绝透露案件的详情
- Here is a leaflet giving full particulars of the plan. 这是一份叙述详细的计划书。
- The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary. 这位警察记下了窃案发生的详细情况。
- Each sample must be submitted with full particulars of its source. 每个样品都应标明有关来源等一切项目。
- The inspector asked for particulars of the missing car . 检查官询问了失踪汽车的详细情况.
- Support chain level operation of membership, CRO, website and marketing! 支持会员的连锁经营,CRO,集团网站和在线营销!
- The inspector ask for particulars of the missing car. 检查员要求提供丢失汽车的细节。
- The Appellate Body membership shall be broadly representative of membership in the WTO. 上诉机构的成员资格应广泛代表WTO的成员资格。