- Knight 's bridge It's a person - to - person collect, to Mr. Smith. 骑士桥3482,是打给史密斯先生的对方付费的叫人电话。
- Knight 's bridge It 's a person - to - person collect, to Mr. Smith . 骑士桥3482,是打给史密斯先生的对方付费的叫人电话。
- In the new century, HK's bridge role was wakened by the mainland's entry to WTO and the accelerated opening, while the mainland's importance to HK was strengthened. 进入新世纪,内地入世和加速开放使香港对内地的桥梁作用减弱,而内地作为香港产品的市场和转口贸易货源地以及香港资本目的地的作用增强。
- This article combines the kangyadi"s bridge reconstructive project of highway between huangling and yan"an, and explores practice of responsibility cost management in management department. 本论文结合陕西黄延高速公路康崖底大桥改造工程项目,对项目经理部责任成本管理工作的实践进行探索,主要论述了施工项目经理部的成本控制。
- Scenic Spot keeping intact for thousands of years since Qiang folk customs, Xiqiang first Blockhouses, cliff plank road, Liusuo, Valentine''s Bridge, Qiang intelligence Park is his representative. 景区完整地保留了数千年以来羌族民俗民风,西羌第一碉、绝壁栈道、溜索、情人桥、羌情园就是其代表。
- Hello. Ted Owen here. Is Mr. Mark Price in? 喂,我是TedOwen。MarkPrice先生在吗?
- The trade unions as the Party s bridges and bonds linking the Party with workers and staff members must strengthen go-aheadism trade union work and improve a new level. 工会作为党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,要实践"三个代表",就必须加强工会工作的主动性,把工会工作提高到一个新的水平。
- By no stretch of the imagination can I see Owen as a writer. 我无论如何想象不出欧文会成为一个作家。
- That project has stalled for lack of investors.) Calatrava’s bridges, for which he initially earned his fame, often evoke the shapes of lithe human forms, bending or lunging with Olympian vigor. 这个项目因缺乏投资而停滞不前。)卡拉特拉瓦设计的桥,常让人联想起柔软的人体正弯腰或者正在向前冲,展现了一种奥林匹克精神。
- The College was founded in memorial of Dr. Owen. 该学院是为了纪念欧文博士创建的。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他们在气候较暖的地方过冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 这件套头毛衣洗过多次已缩水了。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的爱好。
- Owen was puzzled by the old man's angry mood. 奥文被老头儿愤怒的心情弄得摸不着头脑。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题。
- Has Owen seen the film as Wunder von Bern"? 欧文看过《伯尔尼的奇迹》这部电影吗?
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
- Greaves was 27 then, the same age as Owen is now. 格里夫斯那时27岁,同现在的欧文一样。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。