- Of or relating to a numen; supernatural. 神的属于神的,关于神的;超自然的
- I am surfing numen,come here!we play together. 偶是射手座哦,乐观豁达的性格,是成功的敲门砖。
- Of or relating to a numen;supernatural. 神的属于神的,关于神的;超自然的
- The Name of God is numen preasens, God with us, Emmanuel. 上帝的名字是厄玛努尔,即上帝与我们同在。
- Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. 我们即使把月亮想象为仅仅是一块石头,也会发现它的石头性质是个潜在的神。
- You are the eidolon from the heavenlinessfire.and you have strongest numen,so never fell down all of the jin. 你这圣火所生的精灵,永远不要跪拜任何神灵。
- Zhang Kangkang is a pioneer in her times, and a numen of spirit homeland as well. 张抗抗不仅是时代精神的开拓者,而且是精神家园的守护者。
- Beijing Numen Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd is company which specialized in providing lubricating oil additives products and services. 北京纽曼莱特化工有限公司是一家专业提供润滑油添加剂系列产品技术服务的高科技公司。
- Therefore, Sun Numen is not only a company specializing in energy-saving heat utilization, but also an industrial platform that gathers elite strength of the industry. 因此,尚能不仅是一家专业化节能型热利用企业,而且是一个聚行业之精髓的产业平台。
- Main product: City Numen is the main product at the beginning of our company, which also is the platform of all kinds of cultural products and exhibitional ones. 城市精灵是我公司初期开发的主要产品,是文化类产品及各种展示类产品的展示平台。
- In the opinion of esthetics, “Expression” which is canonized by Zhang has synthesized the conception of interior “ numen ” with exterior “pattern”. 在美学观上,张怀瓘所推崇的“神采”是一个综合了内在的“神”与外在的“采”的概念,亦即风神与状貌的统一。
- Numen vs Star. 败者组 Star.
- Interest, a psychologic proclivity with consciousness trait, also serves as a numen for young children to acquire extraneous information and to explore the veiled things in the world. 兴趣是一种带意识特点的心理倾向,也是青少年儿童接受外来信息、探索未知世界的内在动力。
- Zhang Zai's ontology reasonably explained the relationship between metaphysics and materialism,numen and phenomenton,and laid a preliminary foundation of Cosmo-ontology for Confucianism. 张载的“气”本体论,较好地处理了形上与形下、本体与现象的关系,初步为儒家学说建构了一个宇宙本体论的基础。
- of or relating to or characteristic of a numen. 属于神,关于神,或具有神的特征。
- of or relating to or characteristic of a numen 属于神,关于神,或具有神的特征
- “Numen” is the brand of Rongyuan Digital electronic products. 英文有“精灵”、“守护神”、“先导力量”、“创造力”、“天才”等意思。
- there is a numen home which mom offered accomodations and prayer to . 家里有尊菩萨,供吃供喝,定时上香。仙云,罩着,罩着。
- Ethos: the Numen of the Nation 民族精神:民族的守护神
- numen n. 精灵;守护神