- Similarly, they don't want to depend upon others. 同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。
- You need to depend upon your own talent. 你需要依靠你自己的才能。
- Nothing to depend upon 无所倚靠
- Every thing seems to depend upon Sir Thomas's return. 什么事情好象都要靠托马斯爵士回来。
- We have to depend upon his good sense to save us all. 我们还要依靠他的良知来搭救我们大家。
- It is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life. 靠金银谋取幸福是不光彩的。
- Clients should not be forced to depend upon methods that they do not use. 不应该强迫客户依赖于它们不用的方法。
- Without such strategic bases,there will be nothing to depend on in carrying out any of our strategic tasks or achieving the aim of the war. 没有这种战略基地,一切战略任务的执行和战争目的的实现就失掉了依托。
- Without such strategic bases, there will be nothing to depend on in carrying out any of our strategic tasks or achieving the aim of the war. 没有这种战略基地,一切战略任务的执行和战争目的的实现就失掉了依托。
- Molecular genetics came to depend upon studies of the structure and function of DNA, RNA and protein. 分子遗传学的形成仰赖于DNA,RNA和蛋白质的结构与功能的研究成果。
- Fatherlessness means having nothing to depend on (support), while Motherlessness means having nothing to lean (nestle) against. 丧父为失怙,无所仗持,丧母为失恃,无所依偎。
- The vitamin B12 requirements appear to depend upon the levels of choline, methionine and folic acid in the diet. 维生素B12的需要量决定于食品中胆碱、蛋氨酸以及叶酸的含量。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- In this model the arrangement of bonds around the cetral atom is considered to depend upon how many valence-shell electron pairs. 在这个模型中,认为围绕中心原子的化学键的排列取决于价层中电子对的数量。
- For pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about. 对帕特来说失业可不是闹著玩儿的。
- China will continue to depend upon lucrative export markets to earn the foreign exchange it needs to develop and grow. 中国会继续依靠获利的出口市场来赚取外汇以发展和增长自己的经济。
- Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance. 她穿那些衣服也并没显得更漂亮。
- I intend to release all patterning that causes me to allow others to depend upon me. 我意愿释放让我允许他人来依赖我的所有模式。
- I've nothing to say about the event. 我对这次事件没什么可说的。
- The bone maintenance action of estrin was likely to depend upon NO or mediated by NO. 雌激素对骨量的维护作用可能是NO依赖性或通过NO介导的。