- Navicula consors n. 伴船舟形藻
- The consor(council_ describes the exam as a test of general skills and abilities gained over time. 该委员会将考试形容为测试以往学到的总的技能和能力的考试。
- The graduate management admission consor(council) is the non-profitable(non-profit) organization responsible for the GMAT. 研究生管理入学委员会是负责GMAT考试的非盈利组织。
- But the consor(council) also says the test is not the only tour(tool) that should be used to measure future success in business school. 但委员会也说测试不是用来衡量在将来商学院学得成功的唯一方式。
- In the cool seasons, Navicula subminuscula, a eurythermal species, was the major dominant species, while warm water species increased rapidly with increasing air temperature. 不同季节浮游植物丰度差异小, 以硅藻门丰度占优势, 但与冷季相比, 暖季中甲藻门和蓝藻门丰度明显上升。
- Navicula costulata var. nipponica n. 中肋舟形藻日本变种
- Navicula clementis var. linearis n. 克莱舟形藻线形变种
- Navicula crucicula var. orientalis n. 十字舟形藻东方变种
- Universal Wireless Communications Consor 全球无线电通信联盟
- Navicula viridula var. slesvicensis n. 微缘舟形藻斯来变种
- Navicula spectabilis var. excavata n. 美丽舟形藻发掘变种
- Navicula humerosa var. constricta n. 肩部舟形藻缢缩变种
- Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta n. 隐头舟形藻威尼变种
- Navicula cancellata var. apiculata n. 方格舟形藻短头变种
- Navicula approximata var. niceaensis n. 相似舟形藻奈斯变种
- Navicula forcipata var. densestriata n. 钳状舟形藻密条变种
- "Little Danny", 2001, 660 dog toys, wood, aluminum, fabric, power supply, consor, 240x450x120cm “小丹尼”是"小丹尼-奥地利制造"较小也是最早期的版本
- Calliostoma consors n. 兄弟丽口螺
- Hyperaxis consors n. 斑鞘鳞毛肖叶甲
- Irpex consors n. 鲑贝耙齿菌