- MIS Developing Technology 管理信息系统开发技术
- China is just developing technology to defend themselves. 中国是保护自己的正义开发的技术。
- Develop technology for large-scale protein analyses. 研究蛋白质大规模分析技术.
- GIS is a newly developing technology that takes computer as the foundation. gis是一项以计算机为基础的新兴技术。
- Embedded software development technology II. 嵌入式软件开发技术2。
- Object-oriented analysis and design method is a new technique for application developing, applying it to MIS developing will increase software productivity and improve its quality. 面向对象的系统分析和设计是应用系统开发的新途径,在MIS系统开发中使用面向对象的系统分析和设计将加快系统开发速度,提高软件质量。
- Scientists are rapidly developing technology for genetically engineering fast-growing supertrees. 科学家们正在为经过遗传工程实验的快速成长的大树迅速开发新技术。
- The characteristic of MIS development includes:high complexity,collective and creationary work,high quality,immateriality short history,low experience. 管理信息系统开发的特点包括:复杂性高、集体的创造性活动、质量要求高、产品是无形的、历史短,经验不足等。
- Concentration by use of selectively permeable membranes is a rapidly developing technology that has found many applications in food processing. 使用选择性渗透膜浓缩是一个快速发展的技术,在食品加工中此项技术有许多应用。
- Abstract: The MIS developed in BWD mode has many advantages, such as good security and reliability, convenient operations and maintenance. 摘 要: 用BWD模式建立的管理信息系统,具有安全可靠、使用简单、维护方便等特点。
- For the last ten years, he has been developing technology for interactive storytelling. 近十年;他一直致力于互动游戏技术的研究.
- The newly developed technology that reduce the time cost a lot. 新研发出来的方法极大的节省了时间。
- Consequently,MIS development must insist on the principle of advance and ripeness,security and trustiness,economy and practicality,expansibility,maintainability and openable. 因此,管理信息系统的开发必须要坚持先进性和成熟性原则、安全性和可靠性原则、经济性和实用性原则、可扩展性与易维护性原则以及开放性原则。
- Developing Technology of Tomcat and Java Web [M].Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2004. Tomcat与Java Web开发技术详解[M].;北京:电子工业出版社;2004
- UNSW is very good at developing technology and Suntech is very good at commercializing it,” he said. 新南威尔士大学在科技研究发展方面很具有优势,而中国尚德也很擅于将此商业化,”施博士说。
- A rapid developing technology of high strength aluminium new products of high voltage switch is introduced. 介绍了一项高压开关用高强度铝制件的新产品快速开发技术。
- According to the features of MIS, this article summarizes some rules of it, finds some problems which exists in MIS development used OOA and OOD, and gives corresponding methods to them. 根据MIS自身的特点,总结出它的一些规律,找出现阶段在MIS开发中运用面向对象方法进行分析和设计时存在的一些问题,并针对这些问题给出了相应的解决方法。
- We don't just want to develop technology -- we want to apply it and have it be useful for a lot of people. 我们不只是想开发一种技术,我们还想将它应用到实践,让它真正对人门有用。
- Kueter said the test makes it essential for the United States to get more serious about developing technology to defend its satellites. 说考验使得美国必须更加认真地捍卫自己的卫星技术开发。
- Vector technology as a kind of new and developing technology in computer aided design &computer graphic,is widely used in CNPC and SINOPEC etc. 矢量化技术作为计算机辅助设计与图形学中的一项新兴技术,正广泛应用于石油、石化、机械等行业。