- Improved Command Receiver Sets 改进的指挥(令)接收器
- Command Receiver Sets 指令接收机设备
- For a MO-direction command (i.e. the command receiver is a SP), the route is selected according to the SP access number in the command. 对于MO方向的命令(即命令接收方为SP),其路由根据命令中的SP接入号码来选择。
- Developed by a Japanese electronics company,the intelligent glass is fitted with a radio-frequency coil in its base and emits a signal to a receiver set in the table when it's empty,New Scientist magazine reported Thursday. 据周四的《新科学家》杂志报道,这种智能啤酒杯是由一家日本电子公司研制的。这种酒杯是将一枚可以发射无线电频率的线圈置于杯子底部,这样当酒杯空了的时候线圈就会向吧台的接收仪器发出信号。
- command receiver of remote control 遥控指令接收器
- autocorrelation command receiver 自相关指令接收机
- These radio waves are very weak when they arrive at the television receiving sets on earth but they can be amplified again to make up for this loss in intensity. 当这些无线电波到达地球,被电视接收机收到时是非常弱的,但它们能够被再放大以补偿这种强度的损失。
- The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set," through which the vibrations of thought are picked up from the ether. 创造性想像力则是“接收机 组”,思考能量借之集中收拢。
- The war had developed the technology and created a group of people trained to use the complicated early receiving sets. 战争发展了技术,也造就了一批经过训练能使用早期那种复杂的接收机的人员。
- The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain,which receives thoughts,released by the brains of others. 创造性想像力是大脑接受他人头脑释放出来的思想的“接收机组”。
- Il legal format used for commands received from %1: service refused. 从%251来的命令使用了不合法的格式:服务被拒绝。
- The Creative Imagination is the "receiving set" of the brain, which receives thoughts, released by the brains of others. 创造性想像力是大脑接受他人头脑释放出来的思想的“接收机组”。
- Corresponding to hardware, software includeGPS information receive program, information disposal program, information transfer and command receive program, and command execute program. Except, also introduce NEMA, PDU, several data format. 软件对应硬件分为定位信息接收、信息处理、信息发送和命令接收以及命令的执行,此外还介绍了GPS的NEMA格式、短消息的PDU格式等几种数据格式。
- Release the PTT/C button, your CALL TONES will transmit to nearby receivers set to the same channel. 释放按钮,您的电话铃声将传送给附近的接收器设置为相同的频道。
- Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进?
- In making the radio waves corre ond to each sound in turn ,me ages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set. 使无线电波依次对每一个声音作出相应变化时,信息就由广播电台传递到接收机。
- The captain reiterated the command to us. 上尉对我们重申了那项命令。
- Improved Commander's Sighting Station 改进型指挥官观测站
- In making the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn, messages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set. 使无线电波依次对每一个声音作出相应变化时,信息就由广播电台传递到接收机。
- The sergeant bawled out a command to his men. 那个中士向士兵大声发令。