- I prefer low rise to high rise. 我宁可选择矮房也不要高楼。
- I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one. 我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩。
- I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我愿意坐在汽车的前面。
- I prefer non-fiction to fiction. 我喜欢散文类的作品,不喜欢小说类的。
- I prefer the latter picture to the former. 我喜欢後一幅画甚於前一幅。
- Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。
- I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里。
- Many from this corps will rise to high office, and may even become Sultan themselves. 该部队成员很多后来成为军中名将,甚至登上苏丹宝座。
- I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl. 我比较喜欢吃鸡而较不喜欢其他种类的家禽。
- I prefer soccer commentator to report a match blow by blow. 我宁愿足球比赛广播实况播音员详尽地报导比赛。
- IF THEY were just another product, the market would work its usual magic: supply would respond to high prices and rise to meet surging demand. 如果他们仅仅是另一种产品,市场就能发挥其一贯的魔力:因为价格高昂,供应将会上升,以满足激增的需求;
- I prefer classical music to pop music. 我喜欢古典音乐,不太喜欢流行音乐。
- Ridge of high land rising to high pointsat each end. 两峰间的凹下部分;鞍状山脊。
- I prefer your original plan to this one. 我认为你原来的计画比这个好。
- Harmonic analysis shows that tooth harmonic components of no-load EMF waveform is considerable high, which give rise to high distortion and bad waveform. 对样机空载电势波形的谐波分析表明,齿谐波电势分量很大,导致空载电势波形的畸变率较大、波形较差。
- I prefer science to the humanities. 我喜爱自然科学,不喜欢人文科学。
- I prefer country life to city life. 我喜爱乡村生活,不喜爱城市生活。
- I prefer to live in a cold region. 我宁愿住在寒冷的地区。
- I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities. 我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。