- Herpestes urvu n. 食蟹獴
- A large mongoose(Herpestes ichneumon) of Africa and southern Europe,having a gray coat and black tail tufts. 埃及獴产于非洲和南欧的一种大獴(埃及獴),有灰色毛皮和黑色尾毛
- A large mongoose(Herpestes ichneumon) of Africa and southern Europe, having a gray coat and black tail tufts. 埃及獴产于非洲和南欧的一种大獴(埃及獴),有灰色毛皮和黑色尾毛
- Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes. 獴任一种獴属及相关种属的东半球食肉哺乳动物,有一柔软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇
- any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera,having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes 任一种獴属及相关种属的东半球食肉哺乳动物,有一柔软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇
- Herpestes javanicus n. 红颊
- Herpestes 獴属
- Herpestes pulverulentus n. 蓬灰獴
- Herpestes semitorquatus n. 领獴
- Herpestes ichneumon n. 埃及獴
- Herpestes hosei n. 霍氏獴
- Herpestes fuscus n. 褐獴
- Herpestes nase n. 长鼻獴
- Herpestes sanguineus n. 草地獴
- Herpestes auropunctatus n. 红颊獴
- Herpestes vitticollis n. 纹颈獴
- Herpestes edwardsi n. 灰獴
- Herpestes smithii n. 赤獴
- Herpestes brachyurus n. 短尾獴
- Herpestes urva n. 食蟹獴