- Arsenical has been used in the treatment of hematological diseases and solid tumor widely. 砷剂已经广泛应用于血液系统疾病和实体瘤的治疗。
- Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics of portal hypertension induced by hematological diseases. 摘要目的总结血液系统疾病所致门脉高压的临床特点。
- Methods Using the enzyme method introduced by ICSH,to measure the level LDH in serum of five common hematological diseases and contrast each other. 方法采用国际标准酶法对5种常见血液病患者LDH水平进行检测并对比。
- Objective To study clinical significance and levels of plasma thromobomodulin (PTM)in two kind of malignant hematological diseases leukemia and myloma. 目的研究二种恶性血液病白血病和骨髓瘤患者血浆血栓调节蛋白(PTM)的水平及临床意义。
- ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the features and treatment of nosocomial infection in the agranulocytosis of patients with hematological diseases. 目的:探讨血液病粒细胞缺乏症患者发生医院感染的特点及防治措施。
- The mortality of PIF was high.Chronic renal and hematological diseases might be the risk factors for mortality (RR, relative rate, 5.14). 肺部真菌感染病死率较高,基础病为慢性肾病和血液系统疾病其死亡风险的RR值较其他疾病大。
- Method Leukecytepoor platelet concentrates by filtration through the PL type was used in 35 patients suffering from various hematological diseases. 方法对35例血液病患者输注经PL型滤除白细胞输血器去除白细胞的血小板悬液,滤过前、后分别计数血小板及白细胞。
- Methods: Human BM-MSC from healthy donors and primary diagnosed patients with hematological diseases were cultured in DMEM/FBS or MesenCult serum free media. 方法:采用DMEM培养液加胎牛血清(DMEM/FBS)或无血清培养基体外培养人BM-MSC,测定细胞倍增时间;
- Objective To study the role of nonmyeloablative allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (NAST) in the treatment of hematological diseases in elderly patients. 目的探讨非清髓异基因外周造血干细胞移植(NAST)在治疗高龄血液病中的作用。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of imipenem/cilastatin in the treatment of nosocomial infectious complications in patients with hematological diseases. 目的观察亚胺培南/西司他丁对血液系统疾病并发院内感染的治疗效果。
- Objective: To explore the feasibility of maternal HLA-haploidentical HSCT for malignant hematological diseases, and to determine the significance of fetal microchimerism (FMc) in it. 目的:探讨母供体HLA半相合HSCT治疗恶性血液病的可行性,研究供体的胎儿细胞微量嵌合体(FMc)状态与移植疗效的相关性;
- Some malignant and nonmalignant hematological diseases can be cured by the transplantation of allogeneic stem cell.It is thought to be one of the landmarks in the development of modern medicine. 造血干细胞移植治疗某些恶性和非恶性血液疾病,可以达到临床痊愈,是现代医学发展的一个重要里程碑。
- NAST is developed from theories and ideas of tranditional allogeneic stem cell transplantation,is a new way for hematological diseases ,malignant tumors and congenital immunodeficiencies. 并提出NAST是对传统异基因造血干细胞移植理论和观念的发展及更新,为血液病、恶性肿瘤及免疫、遗传性疾病的治疗开辟了新路径。
- Results of lymphoscintigraphy in 78 patients with clinically suspected malignant lymphoma and leukemia werereported and its clinical value for in diagnosis of hematological diseases were evaluated. 报道了对78例临床疑诊恶性淋巴瘤及白血病病人核素淋巴显像结果的分析,以评价淋巴显像在血液病诊断中的应用。
- Objectie To explore the application of bone marrow biopsy imprint in diagnosis of hematological disease. 目的探讨骨髓活检组织印片在血液病诊断中的价值。
- Methods Bone marrow biopsy imprint,bone marrow biopsy slice and bone marrow biopsy smear were examined in 326 patients with hematological disease. 方法对326例血液病患者同时进行骨髓活检组织印片、骨髓活检切片及骨髓穿刺涂片检查。
- Methods:4 patients with hematological disease were mobilized with Cy+AraC+G-CSF before peripheral blood stem cells(PBSC) were collected. Peripheral blood stem cells transfusion were on 0 day and 3rd day after conditioning regimens. 方法:对4例血液肿瘤患者经化疗+G -CSF动员并采集外周血干细胞,预处理后分别于0、+ 3天回输外周血干细胞采集物,观察外周血ANC、BPC及移植相关并发症和血液制品支持治疗情况。
- All of 4 patients with CML at blast crisis stage had positive expresion of WT1. As contrast, neither 10 volunteers, nor 10 patients with no hematological disease were WT1 positive. 16例慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML )中的 7例 (44%25 ) WT1表达阳性 ,其中 4例急变者全部为阳性 ,10名正常人及 10例非血液病患者的 WT1表达阴性。
- Objective: To study whether ASCM(autologous stem cell migration),which usually was used to treat maglignant hematological disease,could be performed saftely in the out of laminar flow ward or not. 目的:探讨洁净室外能否安全进行自体造血干细胞体内迁移(ASCM)术治疗恶性血液病。
- aged patient s with hematological disease 老年血液病