- He is a top student in the school. 他是这所学校里的优等生。
- He is a top banana in this corporation. 他是公司的老板。
- He is a top student in our class. 他是我们班上尖子学生。
- He is a top student, a really good one. 他是个尖子学生,没有说的。
- Although he is a amateur, he is a top superior. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- That man is young, but he is a top dog in his company. 那个人虽然年轻,在公司却位居要职。
- He is just a amateur,none the less he is a topping superior. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- He is a top graded master even though he is a amateur. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- He is a carpenter by profession. 他以木工为业。
- Although he is only an amateur,he is a topping superior. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- Although he is an amateur only, he is a topping player. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- Althrough he is a afterhours fan,he is a topping superior. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者;但却是一流的高手.
- He is the epitome of a top modern footballer. 他是现代顶极足球队员的典型实例。
- He is a vast library in epitome. 他脑中有万卷藏书。
- He is a top 3 PG in the game, but you wouldn't know it watching ESPN. 他是联盟中最顶尖的三个控卫之一,但是你看ESPN电视台是不可能知道这的。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- He is a man of parts; he is either a repairman, or a carpenter, either a barber or a good tailor. 他是一个多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是一个理发师,也是一个好裁缝。
- He is a full back of our football team. 他是我们足球队中的后卫。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。