- He died of gunshot wounds. 他死于枪伤。
- He died of a gunshot wound at the age 35. 他35岁时死于枪击。
- He die of hunger before liberation. 解放前他死于饥饿。
- He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
- The doctors speculate that he died of cancer. 医生推测他死于癌症。
- He died of starving oxygen but not from gunfire. 他死于缺氧窒息而非枪击。
- He died of a rupture of blood-vessels. 他血管破裂而死。
- Police say they were victims of gunshot wounds and 3 other children were hurt. 警方称他们是一起枪击事件的受害者,另有3名儿童受伤。
- He died of an overdose of morphine. 他死于服用过量吗啡。
- He died of hunger before liberation. 解放前他死于饥饿。
- He died of the burns he receive in the fire. 他因在火灾中受烧伤而死。
- He died of the burns that he received in the fire. 他在火灾中烧伤致死。
- Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah. 福林特也是那种人,结果在萨瓦纳为朗姆酒送了命。
- He died of severe respiratory disease on 19 April. 他在4月19日死于严重呼吸道疾病。
- Security Minister Rogelio Ramos announced that police had entered the embassy, only to find the embassy guard, identified as Orlando Jimenez, 54, and three hostages dead of gunshot wounds. 哥斯达黎加安全部长拉莫斯说,警察进入了大使馆,但是只发现了绑架者西门尼斯以及3名人质的尸体,他们都是被枪杀的。
- A: He died of (lung cancer/ an overdose/ AIDS). 他死于(肺癌/过量吸食毒品/艾滋病)。
- A: He died of lung cancer, right? 他死于肺癌,是吗?
- One hoof in the air indicates that he died of wounds sustained in action. 如果马抬起一蹄,表明骑手在战斗中负伤而亡;
- He died of a stroke, same as Grandma. 他死于中风,跟奶奶一样。
- He died of the burns that he received in the fird. 他在火灾中烧伤致死。