- That little girl seems to have a fit of the sulks. 那个小女孩似乎在生闷气。
- His wife has a fit of nerves again this morning. 今天早晨他的妻子又发了一通神经。
- She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names. 她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。
- His wife had a fit of nerves again this morning. 今天早晨他的妻子又发了一通神经。
- I had a fit of sneezing suddenly. 突然打了个喷嚏。
- I had a fit of rage--I could hardly control myself. 我勃然大怒, 简直控制不住自己。
- He had a fit of rage-he could hardly control himself. 他勃然大怒-几乎控制不住自己了。
- I had a fit of anger and I could hardly control myself. 我勃然大怒,简直控制不住自己。
- She had a fit of the giggles and had to leave the room. 她突然格格笑了起来,不得不走出房间。
- Mother will have a fit when she hears! 母亲听到后会大吃一惊的!
- Your mother would have a fit if she knew you were here. 你母亲要是知道你在这里准会非常生气。
- I had a fit of rage -- I could hardly control myself . 我勃然大怒,几乎无法控制自己。
- I have a violent fit of croupy coughing. 时常会有一阵子哮吼性咳嗽。
- I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。
- Rona have a fit at the clothing store last Sunday. 罗娜上星期天在服装店大发脾气。
- Mrs. Long would certainly have a fit if she knew that her darling daughter was shacking up with a long-haired poet. 朗格夫人还不知道她的爱女正跟一个留长发的诗人姘居,否则准要气得发抖。
- Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been drinking! 要是你母亲知道你一直喝酒,会很生气的!
- OUTSIDE A HONG KONG TAILOR SHOP: Ladies may have a fit upstairs. 香港一家裁缝店外:女士们可以到楼上去发一顿脾气。
- I would like to have a fitted dinner jacket. 我想要一件合身的无尾晚礼服。
- Rona had a fit at the clothing storelast Sunday. 罗娜上星期天在服装店大发脾气。