- I am looking for something at a reasonable price. 我在找一些价格合理的东西。
- This is a capital watch at a reasonable price of 500 yuan. 这是一块价格为五百元的一流手表。
- This is a capital watch at a reasonable price of 300 dollars. 这是一块价格只有300美元的一流手表。
- This's a capital watch at a reasonable price of 300 dollars. 这是一块价格只有300美元的一流手表。
- Growth At A Reasonable Price 以合理价格增长
- You will enjoy our wide arrays of delectable dishes at a reasonable price. 精心烹饪的菜肴、理的消费,为您献上美味的菜肴。
- Customers prefer buying superior quality products at a reasonable price. 顾客喜欢物美价廉的产品。
- Government says it could takeover bank shares at a reasonable price . 政府说它能以合理的价格接收银行股.
- After months of haggling John brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. 经过几个月的讨价还价,约翰终于迫使卖主屈服,用不太贵的价格买下这宗房地产。
- After months of haggling,John brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. 经过几个月的讨价还价,约翰终于迫使卖主屈服,用不太贵的价格买下这宗房地产。
- After months of haggling,he brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. 经过数月的讨价还价,他终于使业主让步而廉价购得那块地产。
- The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. 这家公司保证供货质优价廉的承诺对它的成功起了决定性的作用。
- Many American parents, however, still struggle with the problem of finding good child care at a reasonable price. 然而许多美国父母们仍然在不懈斗争,争取用合理的价格雇佣到好的小孩看护。
- After months of haggling he brought the owner to his knees and bought the property at a reasonable price. 经过数月的讨价还价,他终于使业主让步而廉价购得那块地产。
- This product is not only the recordable walkman, but also comes with auto-reverse feature at a reasonable price. 这不止是一款可录型随身听,同时在一个合理的价位上提供了自翻带功能。
- After months of bargaining he brought the owner to his kness and bought the property at a reasonable price. 经过数月的讨价还价,他终于使业主让步,以低价购得那块地产。
- Arrive home at a reasonable hour. 在一个还说得过去的时刻回到了家
- All pamp gold bar and pamp silver bar products are available at a reasonable price close to spot. 所有平均压金条和银条产品可在一个合理的价格接近现场。
- Telefax service is available in the business centre of this hotel at a reasonable price. 本宾馆商务中心为您提供图文传真服务,收费合理。
- This is also where one can find curios from the "Cultural Revolution" at a reasonable price. 这也是从那里可以找到古董"文革"在一个合理的价格.