- Then I grasped the child's head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. 接着我用左手掰住女孩的头,并试图将木制的压舌板伸进她的嘴里。
- The snake 's tongue flicked from side to side as it prepared to bite. 蛇在准备咬东西时,舌头左右飞快地抽动。
- The snake 's tongue flicked from side to side as it prepared to bite . 蛇在准备咬东西时,舌头左右飞快地抽动。
- Hamilton's bandage tongue depressor 汉密尔顿(氏)压舌器
- Bleyer-Peterson tongue depressor 布-彼二氏压舌板:有锯齿尾的压舌板
- nickel-plated wire tongue depressor 镀镍钢丝压舌器
- Bon Accord's tongue depressor and lower jaw rest 本·阿科德(氏)压舌及下颌支撑器
- tongue depressor and lower jaw rest 压舌及下颌支撑器
- tongue depressor for the examination of the larynx 检喉用压舌器
- tongue depressor with concave surface 凹面压舌器
- tongue depressor with lip on side 带侧翼的压舌器
- Compared with what he had achieved the loss of wages and the bray of women’s tongues were slight affairs. 与他所得到的相比,损失的工资和女人们的叫骂微不足道。
- tongue depressor with serrated end 有齿压舌器
- Results Bactrian camel’s tongues constituted three portions: the apex, body and root. 舌背粘膜厚而粗糙,舌腹粘膜薄而光滑;
- tongue depressor with smooth end 无齿压舌器
- tongue depressor with solid metal handle 实心金属柄压舌器
- tongue depressor with suction tube 带吸引管的压舌器
- Dappen's tongue depressor and lower jaw rest 达彭(氏)压舌及下颌支撑器
- illuminator for tongue depressor 压舌板辅助光源
- Excuse me, are not you Peter Greene? 对不起,你不是彼得。格林吗?