- It is significent to explore the topic of revenge in Greek myths and legends concentratedly and by the numbers. 对希腊神话传说中的复仇主题进行集中而系统的探究有着独特而重大的意义。
- A study of the cultural background of Greek myths and legends 希腊神话传说的文化背景初探
- Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinates me. 任何与上古神话传说有关的东西都会使我着迷。
- On the Translation of Some Names of Characters and Places in Greek Myths and Legends 关于希腊神话传说中的一些人名和地名的译法
- To create dramatic narratives through myths and legends. 运用神话和传说创作戏剧叙述。
- Anything to do with old myths and legends fasci etes me. 任何与上古神话传说有关的东西都会使我着迷。
- Greek myths and legends 希腊神话传说
- They drew the material of their plays chiefly from myths and legends. 他们主要从神话传说中提取剧本的素材。
- Others are aware of the occult world, telling their own myths and legends. 其他知道玄奇世界的生物告诉狼人他们所知的秘密和传说。
- Wagner is known for his operas, many of which dramatize myths and legends. 瓦格纳的歌剧最为著名,其中很多都改编自神话和传说。
- They drew the material of their plays chiefly from the myths and legends. 他们剧本汲取的素材主要来源于神话和传说!
- It was magnificent scene is full of myths and legends of color, people away. 它那雄伟壮丽的景象和充满神话色彩的传说,使人流连忘返。
- Myths and legends in this West Queen Mother had bathed, people are now summer tourist attractions. 神话传说西天王母曾在此沐浴,如今却是人们避暑游览胜地。
- No second Tibetan mastiff dogs as full of mystery, like the color also has been given the ancient myths and legends. 世上没有第二种狗像西藏獒犬一样充满了神秘的色彩同时也被赋予了古老的神话传说。
- The Gaoshan ethnic group has beautiful folk songs, ancient ballads, myths and legends. 高山族有优美的民歌、古谣、神话和传说。
- Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, Patagonia has always been, like Timbuktu or Shangri-la, a place of myths and legends. 巴塔哥尼亚的遥远和难以到达,使它始终像廷巴克图和香格里拉那样,是一个充满神秘和传奇的地方。
- The myth and legend of ancient Greek and Rome 古希腊罗马神话与传奇
- They slither through our nightmares and prey upon our imagination - giant serpents seem ready to swallow us whole.But are the myths and legends true? 人类对蛇这种动物并无好感,它更是***的象征。
- While Christian influence is shallow, the poem has its deep roots in Nordic myth and legend. 基督教的影响比较肤浅,深层还是北欧的原始神话和传说。
- Some rare birds and animals like casein, and some just like all kinds of characters, some like various items, some history through stories, myths and legends named. 有的酪似珍禽异兽,有的宛若各式人物,有的形同各种物品,有的又以历史故事、神话传说而命名。