- The inspiration for the design comes from the beautiful, passionate, and energetic gypsy girl character in Georges Bizet's famous opera “Carmen”. 此作品的灵感来自于比才的四幕舞歌剧“卡门”里洒脱而富有活力的吉普赛女郎。她光亮闪耀,婀娜多姿,像精灵一样在人群中成为焦点,给人强烈的视觉冲击。
- Georges Bizet's Carmen 比才的《卡门》
- Georges Bizet 比才
- Bizet composed an opera called "Carmen". 比塞特创作了一部名叫“卡门”的歌剧。
- She wanted Paul and Georges always to agree. 她要保罗和乔戈斯两个人永远和睦。
- Georges knew he was near the end of the line. 乔戈斯知道他快山穷水尽了。
- Georges said nothing, but he was all aflame. 乔戈斯什么也没有说,可是他的整个情绪全灼热起来了。
- St Georges Day is still celebrated in Europe. 现在圣乔治日在欧洲仍然是一个重要的节日。
- Bizet:French composer known especially for his opera Carmen (1875). 比才:法国作曲家,尤其闻名于其歌剧《卡门》(1875年)。
- How many books did Georges Simenon write? 乔治·西姆农写了多少本书?
- Mme Lambert: Tu as les billets, Georges ? 时春夫人:你有票吗,乔治?
- French painter and sculptor Georges Braque died at 80 on August 31. 1963年8月31日,法国画家、雕刻家乔治·勃拉克逝世,享年80岁。
- In the afternoon she expressed some anxiety for Georges. 下午,她为乔治担着不少焦急。
- Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2005 is arriving! 迪宝夫2005年新酒已经上市了!
- Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage. Georgcantor出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。
- Georg: Our main products are Crema Marfil and Marron Emperador. 我们主要产品是西班牙米黄和深啡网。
- While still a young boy, Bizet knew how to play the piano well and as he grew older, he wrote operas, the most famous of which is Carmen. 当比柴是孩子时;他就懂得如何把钢琴弹好;长大成人后;他谱写了很多歌剧;其中最著名的是.
- Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish-Jewish parentage. Georg Cantor. 出生于俄国的一个丹麦犹太血统的家庭。
- It is also a precocious sister of the famous Symphony in C which Bizet composed at the same age as Arriaga composed his Symphony in D. 西班牙的管风琴音乐在16世纪有很大发展,它的代表作家为盲音乐家卡韦松。
- Georges Pompidou, whom I visited in early December 1972, was formidable. 乔治·蓬皮杜是位了不起的人物,我曾在一九七二年十二月初会见过他。