- Application of ISSR Markers in Genetic Polymorphism of Capsicum frutescens L. ISSR标记在辣椒资源遗传多态性分析中的初步应用。
- Genetic polymorphism of 3 STR loci on chromosome 18 in Wenzhou Han population. 浙南汉族人群18号染色体上三个STR位点的遗传多态性研究
- To review PCR-based genotyping methods for genetic polymorphism of CYP2A6 gene. 摘要综述检测CYP2A6基因多态性的PCR技术的基因型方法。
- Research Methods and Progresses of the Varietal Genetic Polymorphism of the Lilium Spp. 百合品种遗传多样性的研究方法及其进展。
- The new study tied the same genetic polymorphism to lower levels of an androgen known as DHEA-S, and to lower progesterone levels. 新的研究约束相同的遗传多态现象来降低雄激素的水平(已知的硫酸脱氢表雄酮(DHEA-S))和降低孕酮的水平。
- In 1990 year, Willm and Welsh founded a new method in exploring genetic polymorph. 1990年’if! 。
- The genetic polymorphism of ADH was composed of ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2)? ADH2(3),ADH3(1)and ADH3(2). ADH基因多态性由ADH1,ADH2(1),ADH2(2),ADH2(3),ADH3(1)和ADH3(2)组成;
- Genetic polymorphisms of drug metabolizing enzymes. 药物代谢酶类基因多态性研究。
- At the same time,MPO alao has genetic polymorphism,which affects Susceptivity to dieases of the body. 同时,髓过氧化物酶基因存在基因多态性,影响机体对疾病的易感性。
- Objective To investigate the relationship between haptoglobin(HP) genetic polymorphism and acute leukemia. 目的探讨血清结合珠蛋白的遗传多态性与白血病的关系。
- There was rich in genetic polymorphism of microsatellite sites within Fujian yellow rabbit. 福建黄兔地方品种在微卫星位点上具有丰富的遗传多样性;
- Genetic polymorphism plays an important role on the immunity of calcineurin inhibitor. 基因多态性对钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂的免疫效果有重要影响。
- Genetic polymorphism had been observed in the Xiangjiang group and most of the examined loci had more than two alleles. 大多数被检测的微卫星位点上存在两个以上的等位基因,但遗传多样性程度较低。
- Title: Research Methods and Progresses of the Varietal Genetic Polymorphism of the Lilium Spp. 关键词:百合;遗传多样性;研究方法;研究进展
- The new study tied the same genetic polymorphism to lower leels of an androgen known as DHEA-S, and to lower progesterone leels. 新的研究约束相同的遗传多态现象来降低雄激素的水平(已知的硫酸脱氢表雄酮(DHEA-S))和降低孕酮的水平。
- Study on the construction of standard D12S375 allelic ladder and its genetic polymorphism in Chinese Han, Hui and Wei populations. 用分子克隆技术构建D12S375基因座等位基因分型标准物及汉、回、维族群体遗传学研究
- Objective:To analyze the genetic polymorphism of 9 short tandem repeat(STR) loci on chromosome 7p14-15 in Northeastern China Han population. 目的:分析东北汉族人群中7p14-15区域内9个短串联重复序列(STR)位点的遗传多态性。
- Objective To study the genetic polymorphism of Nanjiang yellow goat and to investigate the feasibility of this research by AFLP. 目的研究南江黄羊遗传多态性和探讨AFLP标记在山羊遗传多态性方面应用的可行性。
- Genetic polymorphism of carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes is one of the important aspects of the genetic susceptibility to cancer. 致癌物代谢酶基因多态是肿瘤遗传易感性的一个重要方面。
- Conclusions The 4G/5G genetic polymorphism of PAI-1 gene is possiblly associated with PAOD,the 4G/4G genotype might be a risk factor of PAOD. 结论 PAI-1基因启动子区4G/5G的多态性可能与周围动脉闭塞性疾病有关,其4G/4G基因型可能是该病的一个危险因素。