- General Advisory Council 总咨询委员会
- Fisheries and Oceans Research Advisory Council . 渔业海洋研究谘问委员会.
- The foundation also sponsors an End Users Advisory Council. 基金会还发起了终端用户咨询委员会。
- In reply to it the Emperor decreed merely that an advisory council be created. 皇帝的答复只是下旨设立一个资政院。
- The National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, NADRAC. 旨在促进非讼纠纷解决的发展。
- An advisory council of past district governors can be of great assistance. 前地区总监谘询协会是一个非常有帮助的资源。
- The Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene has been set up to give advice and to monitor the Government's work in food safety and environmental hygiene. 此外,政府亦成立了食物及环境卫生谘询委员会,就食物安全和环境卫生事宜,向政府提供意见和监察有关工作。
- In partnership with UNCTAD, ICC has set up an Investment Advisory Council for the least-developed countries. 作为联合国贸易与发展大会的合作伙伴,国际商会为最不发达国家设立了投资咨询处。
- I believe it is being addressed," said Gaston Luken Aguilar, president of Mexico's National Water Advisory Council. 我认为,这个问题正在解决。
- Newsom has created an advisory council to help solidify San Francisco's role as a dominant force in the industry. 纽瑟姆创办了咨询公司来巩固旧金山在行业内作为主导力量的作用。
- Welcome to CDAC website.Please select your Language.Copyright 2006 Community Drug Advisory Council. 欢迎莅临本机构网页,进入前请先选择语言。
- Moreover,an Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene will be set up to give advice and to monitor the Government's work in this area. 此外,政府会成立食物及环境卫生咨询委员会,就有关事宜提供意见和监察政府的工作。
- While solicitor do specialize, partnerships preserve the general advisory nature of their work. Barristers, on the other hand, cannot form partnerships of firms although they can share "chambers". 尽管初级律师确实分工明确,他们的合伙制律师事务所仍保持全面咨询性质。然而,出庭律师虽然与初级律师共享办公场所,也不能组建合伙制律师事务所。
- Since 1990,the Advisory Council on AIDS has been providing leadership in the development of effective AIDS strategy in Hong Kong. 自1990年起,香港艾滋病顾问局在制定艾滋病对策方面担当领导角色。
- A strategic environmental assessment for the Territorial Development Strategy Review was completed in 1996 and presented to the Advisory Council on the Environment. 配合全港发展策略检讨而进行的策略性环境评估,已在一九九六年完成,评估报告已提交环境问题谘询委员会。
- The Council for the AIDS Trust Fund and the Advisory Council on AIDS shall also base on the document in serving their roles in the AIDS response. 爱滋病信托基金委员会及顾问局在履行其对本港爱滋病回应规划的过程中,以此文件为依据。
- Since 1990, the Advisory Council on AIDS has been providing leadership in the development of effective AIDS strategy in Hong Kong. 自一九九零年起,香港爱滋病顾问局在制定爱滋病对策方面担当领导角色。
- The Permit Holder shall properly address any comments raised by the EIA Sub-committee of the Advisory Council on the Environment. 许可证持有人须妥善地处理环境谘询委员会环评小组委员会提出的任何问题。
- Sina technology - August 6 noon news, APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) 2008 annual meeting in Hangzhou, the third closing. 新浪科技讯 8月6日午间消息,APEC工商咨询理事会(ABAC)2008年度第三次会议在杭州闭幕。
- Mr.Feinberg has assembled an advisory council of top managers, similar to the way the Carlyle Group assembled politicians in the 1990s. 费伯格先生建立了一个由顶级经理人组成的顾问团队,就像1990年代凯雷投资组织的一批政客一样。