- Ganoderma brownii n. 褐灵芝
- Ganoderma lucidum(Leyss.ex Fr.)Karst. 灵芝
- Ganoderma tropicum (Jungh.) Bres. 热带灵芝
- Ingredient: Almond and Lucid Ganoderma extracted liquid etc. 主要成份:杏仁、灵芝萃取液、活性酵母精华、木瓜酵素。
- Result The percent of ganoderan in Ganoderma was 1.486%. 结果灵草口服液中药材灵芝的灵芝多糖含量为1。
- Cream made of Ginseng and Ganoderma can feed and moisturize skin. 含珍倨人?、爨芝精攘,可提供肌镊所需的鹇分,滋?肌镊。
- Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker was suit processing for its starch content. 龙牙百合淀粉含量较高,适宜食品加工;
- Objective To research the pharmacodynamics of lilium brownii Polysaccharide. 摘要目的对百合多糖进行药效学研究。
- Result The polysaccharides content from the lilium brownii was 16.69%. 结果百合多糖含量为16.;69%25。
- Study of greenhouse cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum by bean straws. 木屑保藏菌种技术。
- The research advance on the effective constituents of Ganoderma spp. 灵芝有效化学成分研究进展。
- The specialty and plant technology of Ganoderma crebrostriatum Zhao et Xu. 密纹灵芝的特性与栽培技术。
- Ganoderma polysaccharides are the main functional composition of Ganoderma. 灵芝多糖是灵芝中的主要有效成份。
- Wan F, Huang D. / Both AFGS and natural Ganoderma sinense (NGS) have... 中译:一种免疫调节蛋白,灵芝-8,透过调整黏附分子促进细胞组成间的互动
- Triterpenoids are the main efficacious ingredients in ganoderma spore lipids. 灵芝三萜类化合物是灵芝孢子油中的主要功效成分。
- Lilium browni Polysaccharide is one of the main active constituents of lilium brownii. 百合多糖是百合的主要活性成分之一。
- Fruits and embryos were obtained by self-pollination of Avignon and Lilium brownii. 俄维农自交和野百合自交可以获得自交果实和自交胚。
- Objective To determine the content of polysaccharides in Henan s lilium brownii extraction. 目的测定河南产百合提取物中多糖的含量。
- There were also morphological diversity of different ecotypes in Lilium brownii and L. leucanthum. 野百合和宜昌百合同种内不同生态型也存在形态多样性。
- Lilium brownii Polysaccharide can increase the hypoxia tolerance, anti-oxidation action and immuno-enhancing activity in mice. 百合多糖具有增强小鼠耐缺氧能力、抗氧化及免疫增强作用。