- French Prison Service 法国监狱管理局
- The prison service is badly overstretched. 监狱管理系统在严重地超负荷运转。
- The prison service has been badly mismanaged in recent years. 近年来,监狱部门的管理极为不善。
- The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation. 监狱有惩罚和改造双重目的。
- The prison service, the lowliest of the law-enforcement agencies, is shabbily treated. 作为国家法律执行机构中最低级的监狱部门更是受到了寒酸的待遇。
- Three French prisoners were released through the open doors of their jail after prison officials fell for a fake fax. 法国监狱官员上了假传真的当,释放了三名犯人,让他们从监狱大门走出去。
- According to Chinese law,a criminal's due rights during his or her prison service are protected and may not be violated. 中国法律规定,罪犯的服刑期间应有的权利受到保护,不容侵犯。
- A criminal accused of having committed a crime during his prison service has the right to defend himself or ask someone else to defend him during the legal proceedings. 罪犯在服刑期间被指控又犯新罪,有权在刑事诉讼过程中为自己辩护或委托他人代理辩护。
- Participants also include breadmakers, delicatessen suppliers, caterers and groups as diverse as the Irish Prison Service and Abrakebabra. 不少专业投资机构反映,当前,影响股票指数价格的不再是单纯的供求关系,而是错综复杂的国际环境。
- The story begins in 1945 in a train bringing French prisoners back from Germany. 这个故事发生在1945年一列从德国运载法国俘虏回国的火车上。
- AAP quoted a top prison service official as saying Cole would be sent immediately to another jail where he would spend the coming winter in a maximum security cell. 报道说,科尔会被立即押往另外一所监狱,并将在那里一个最高级戒备级别的牢房中度过马上就要来临的冬季。
- On the evening of the 11th of October, Seslavin came to the general at Aristovo with a French prisoner of the guards. 十月十一日晚,谢斯拉温带一名他俘虏的法国近卫军士兵来到阿里斯托沃村来见司令官。
- Those who have had their sentences reduced to life imprisonment can have their sentences further commuted to a set term of imprisonment if they show repentance and exemplary behaviour during prison service. 对减为无期徒刑的罪犯,在执行期间,如确有悔改或立功表现,还可以减为有期徒刑。
- There is one person on the estate who keeps drawing her attention to the imminent disaster: Francois Beauvais, a French prisoner of war. 庄园雇工法国战犯弗朗索瓦屡次反抗,让莱娜意识到了逐渐逼近的战火的威胁。
- In Orel there happened to be several French prisoners, and the doctor brought one of them, a young Italian officer, to see Pierre. 在奥廖尔有几个被俘的法国军官,这位医生带来了其中一个年青的意大利军官。
- It was ANC policy to try to educate all people, even our enemies: we believed that all men, even prison service warders, were capable of change, and we did our utmost to try to sway them. 非洲人国民大会(非国大)的政策就是去教育所有的人,甚至是我们的敌人:我们相信所有的人,即使是在监狱服役的狱吏,也是能改造的,而且我们要力争改变他们。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- Seven thousand French prisoners had been taken that day, and all along the road they met parties of them, crowding to warm themselves round the camp-fires. 一路上随处都可以见到一群一群聚拢在火堆旁边烤火的在当天俘获的法国人(在这一天俘虏了他们七千人)。
- Sweden's prison service may allow babies to live in prison with their fathers, putting men on an equal footing with women in prison parenting, a prison service official said Thursday. 瑞典监狱服务处允许宝宝入狱,和正在坐牢的爸爸一起在监狱中生活。,这就给了男子与女子一样的在监狱中抚养权。
- It was ANC policy to try to educate all people, even our enemies: we believed that all men, even prison service warders, were capable of change, and we did our utmost to try to sway them. 非洲人国民大会(非国大)的政策就是去教育所有的人,甚至是我们的敌人:我们相信所有的人,即使是在监狱服役的狱吏,也是能改造的,而且我们要力争改变他们。