- Epicauta ruficeps? 寄主不明。
- Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap. 中华豆芫箐成虫的药用资源价值研究。
- Title: Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap. 关键词:中华豆芫箐;斑蝥素;食料植物;药用价值
- The mean haemoiymph weight per cent of Epicauta pestifera and lytta polita are 27.8 and 28.4 respectively. 其中原野豆芫菁和佛罗里达绿芫菁血淋巴重量的百分含量分别为27.;8和28
- Epicauta cyanine drug solution. 解芫菁毒。
- The samples from different species of Meloidae, the eggs of Epicauta aptera Kaszab and the different parts of Mylabris phalerata Pallas were treated with acidolysis or direct extraction, and cantharidin contents were determined by gas chromatography. 分别采用酸水解法和直接浸提法处理不同种芫菁样品、短翅豆芫菁Epicauta aptera Kaszab的卵和大斑芫菁Mylabris phalerata Pallas的不同虫体部位,后用气相色谱仪测定斑蝥素含量。
- A New Species of the Genus Epicauta from Yunnan (Coleoptera: Meloidae) 云南豆芫菁属一新种(鞘翅目:芫菁科)
- Keywords Epicauta aptera Kaszab;hemolymph;cantharidin;verruca vulgaris; 短翅豆芫菁;体液;斑蝥素;寻常疣;
- Xylocopa ruficeps n. 朱胸木蜂
- Plesiochrysa ruficeps ruficeps n. 黑角波草蛉
- Luscinia ruficeps n. 棕头歌鸲
- Pellorneum ruficeps n. 棕头幽鹛
- Pomatostomus ruficeps n. 栗冠弯嘴鹛(画眉科)
- Pseudotriccus ruficeps n. 棕头侏霸鹟(霸鹟科)
- Perynea ruficeps n. 赭灰裴夜蛾
- Pambolus ruficeps n. 红头角腰茧蜂
- Epicauta aptera Kaszab 短翅豆芜瞢
- Epicauta chinensis 中华豆芫菁
- Echinochaete ruficeps 赤褐棘刚毛状菌
- Macropygia ruficeps n. 小鹃鸠