- Studies on ERP and mental rotation while performing dual task. 处理双重任务时心理旋转的事件相关电位研究。
- China is a developing country. Now it is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. 中国是一个发展中国家,目前正面临着发展经济和保护环境的双重任务。
- As a developing country, China is confronted with the dual task of developing its economy and protecting its environment. 中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重任务。
- Third, a single threading task paradigm is abstracted and has been applied to the designing of the media server for reducing the cost which multithreading switching brings, and a smoothing and non-blocking I/O system is also designed. 第三,抽象出单线程任务调度模型,将此模型应用于视频服务器设计,降低了多线程切换带来的额外开销; 同时设计了与此模型配套使用的平滑非阻塞的I/O系统。
- Up to now, the studies of contextual cuing effect under the visual search task paradigm are systematic and detailed, especially the studies about the affecting factors of contextual cuing effect. 目前,对视觉搜索任务范式下的研究比较系统详尽,尤其是对影响背景线索效应因素的研究。
- While bilateral area lying along the intraparietal sulcus showed decreased activity during arithmetic with disruption, which might be related to the impaired arithmetic processing in dual task. 反之,双侧沿顶内沟区在心算受到干扰后的激活却显著弱于无扰时的激活,这或许是由加干扰后无法很好地完成心算造成的。
- Basd on the introduction and analysis of the studies of contextual cuing effect under the two paradigms, we proposed the future studies under the change detection task paradigm. 在对以往两种任务范式下的背景线索效应进行介绍分析的基础上,展望了今后在变化觉察任务范式下的研究。
- Therefore, community autonomy is duty-bound to take on the dual responsibilities and dual tasks of administration and self-government. 因此,社区自治义不容辞地负有行政与自治的双重职责和双重任务。
- Objective: To examine whether the attentional resource theory is able to suitably explain time perception during the dual tasks. 摘要目的:探讨注意力资源理论解释时间知觉双重作业的适切性。
- With different task load levels and input modality formats,P?3 wave of event related brain potential(ERP) were recorded and analyzed in eighteen healthy young man performing six dual tasks. 为探讨任务负荷水平及输入通道形式对脑事件相关电位(ERP)P3波的影响,记录分析了18名男性青年受试者在完成6种负荷水平、附任务形式不同的双任务过程中ERP的P3波。
- dual task procedure paradigm 双重作业的实验范式
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- He decided to go all out to fulfil the task. 他决心全力以赴地去完成任务。
- I must fulfil my task by some means or other. 我总得想个办法完成任务。
- He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task. 他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。
- How they laid about them to fulfill the task! 他们是何等竭尽全力来完成这一任务啊!
- He carried on the task left by his comrades. 他把同志们留下的工作继续做下去。
- We have to finish our task by all means. 我们必须竭力完成任务。