- The Doppler flow spectrum showed that the increase in the frequence and amplitude of positive flow spectrum could be important to the diagnosis of the congenital heart disease. 结论多普勒超声探测胎儿肝静脉血流频谱是完全可行的,其正向血流增高增多可为临床诊断胎儿某些先心病提供重要依据。
- Objective:To detect the characteristics of Doppler flow spectrum of common femoral veins(CFV) in patients with tricuspid regurgitation(TR) and to determine the relation between Doppler spectrum and the degree of TR. 目的 应用多普勒超声技术检测三尖瓣返流 (TR)患者的股总静脉 (CFV)血流频谱 ,探讨频谱形态与 TR程度的关系。 方法 TR患者 6 5例 ,轻度 2 8例 ,中度 2 0例 ,重度 17例。
- The Analysis of Pulsed. Doppler Flow Spectrum in the Patients with Mitral Regurgitation(MR) 二尖瓣关闭不全脉冲多普勒血流频谱分析
- Doppler flow spectrum 多普勒频谱
- Methods By using the technique of CDI ultrasound, 288 cases with orbital diseases were examined to show color Doppler flow imaging and pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) spectrum. 方法 应用CDI技术对 2 88例眼眶病患者眼眶病病变内部的彩色血流显像和脉冲多普勒频谱进行检测。
- Methods Thirteen patients with TVL underwent echocardiographic examinations including 2-dimensional ultrasonography,freguency spectrum and color Doppler flow imaging. 方法13例三尖瓣病变患者均经超声心动图包括二维超声、频谱多普勒及彩色多普勒超声检查。
- Diagnosis of testicle torsion of children with color doppler flow imaging. 小儿睾丸扭转的彩色多普勒超声诊断
- Few color Doppler flows were display in lipoma. 内部多无彩色血流信号。
- Methods:Detecting the rate of S/D value by colour Doppler flow image technic. 方法:应用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪测定妊娠晚期脐动脉收缩末期峰值(S)与舒张末期峰值(D)的比值。
- The CFV flow spectrum of mild TR group was similar to that of control group and was modulated by respiratory movement. 轻度TR组血流频谱参数与正常组比较无显著意义。
- PVF spectrum and mitral valve flow spectrum can be used to evaluate left ventricular diastolic function of RH children. PVF频谱与二尖瓣血流频谱对评价RH左室舒张功能有参照意义。
- Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in umbilical cord around the neck. 摘要目的探讨彩多普勒超声对胎儿脐带绕颈的价值。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ECG P wave/P-R segment ratio and E/A ratio of mitral flow spectrum for abnormal left ventricle diastolic function (LVDF). 目的评价心电图P波/P-R段比值和二尖瓣血流频谱E/A比值诊断左室舒张功能(LVDF)异常的价值。
- Color Doppler flow imaging is a useful noninvasive method for the diagnosis of vertebral artery course variation. 彩色多普勒超声对椎动脉走行变异是一种理想的无创性诊断方法。
- Color doppler flow imaging, CT and DSA are useful examination methods for diagnosis of CCF. 彩色多普勒超声、CT、DSA是诊断本病的常用手段。
- Objective To investigate the value of color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in diagnosis of choroidal melanoma. 摘要目的探讨彩色多普勒超声检查在脉络膜黑色素瘤鉴别诊断中的价值。
- Objective To explore the diagnostic value of Co lor Doppler Flow Imaging(CDFI )in idiopathic hypothy-roidism. 目的探讨彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)在原发性甲状腺功能减退症(简称原发性甲减)诊断中的价值。
- Conclusion The color Doppler flow imaging is a useful, specifical and valuable method in the diagnosis of soft mass. 结论表明彩色多普勒血流显像是一种简便、有效的辅助检查方法。
- It should be highly suspected in the adrenal region where an uneven border mass presented with inhomogenous e choes, irregular calcified foci, abnormal arterial flow spectrum within and around, the diagnosis most likely being adrenal neuroblastoma. 另外,凡在肾上腺区发现边界不规整,内部回声不均匀,内有不规则的钙化灶,后方伴声影的实质性肿块,且肿块周边及内部有异常彩色血流信号,呈动脉频谱者应高度疑及本病。
- Methods In the guidance of color Doppler flow imaging, the cyst was punctured with intravenous cannula. 方法在彩色多普勒超声引导下,静脉留置针穿刺甲状腺囊肿,抽尽囊液,冲洗囊腔,注入无水乙醇。