- Dolichos falcatus Klein 镰果扁豆
- There he is gathering the dolichos ! 情人相思之词。一说朋友相念。
- I'd like to make an appointment with Mrs. Klein. 我想约个时间见克莱恩女士。
- Dieter schreibt im Diktat das Wort Tiger klein. 迪特尔在听写时把“老虎”一词小写了。
- Die Weld ist zehr Klein, die Weld ist zehr Klein. 世界其实很小,世界其实很小。
- Klein, J.Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. 放大图片 作者: William A.
- Croxton, Dudley J.Cowden and Sidney Klein. 题名其余部分: [by] Frederick E.
- Study on the Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Dolichos lablab L. 扁豆种质资源多样性的研究。
- The one they respond to the most is Calvin Klein Obsession for Men. 他们对ck的'迷惑'男士香水反应最强烈。
- Messrs. Diamond and Klein didn't respond to requests for comment. 戴蒙德和克莱恩没有回应置评请求。
- Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein ;with contributions by Erica Rihl Pryor. 书刊名 Logistic regression :a self-learning text /David G.
- Studies on ultrastructure of tapetal development in Dolichos lablab L. 扁豆绒毡层发育的超微结构研究。
- In contrast to Jill Gabriell Klein, Richard Ettenson and Marlene D. 同时与Jill Gabriell Klein; Richard Ettenson and Marlene D.
- Klein, M. "Nantucket: An Island Controls its Future." 1980. 控制自己未来的岛>,1980.
- Bettering the Standards for Measuring the Quality of Dolichos lablab L. 中药材白扁豆质量标准的研究。
- "The one they respond to the most is Calvin Klein Obsession for Men. 他们对CK的'迷惑'男士香水反应最强烈。
- Finally, Mr. Klein showed that just one sign could be used for a whole word. 最后,克雷恩先生示范那种就一个手语可以用来表达的一个词的。
- But, sadly, that was a different time, and apparently, even a different Klein. 但不幸的是,时代不同了,而且,就连柯雷自己也不是当初的那个柯雷了。
- Calvin Klein hired starlet Brooke Shields to advertise his designer jean wear. 卡尔文·克莱因雇用童星波姬小丝替他所设计的牛仔裤做广告宣传。
- Computerized Application to the Growth Trends of the Main Stems of Early Maturing Dolichos Lablab L. 扁豆特早熟品种主茎生长动态的计算机应用。