- Direct Power Conversion 功率直接变换
- Percentage power conversion efficiencies remain low. 以百分比表示的能量有效转化率仍然很低。
- When the main and backup power conversion, the system should have maloperation. 当主、备电源转换时,不应使系统产生误动作。
- Tarter, R. E., Solid-state power conversion handbook, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 74-86, 1993. 许景渊,"电子差速式电动轮椅动力模组",国立台湾大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,民国86年。
- Understanding of Low Voltage Electrical Design, AC/DC power conversion, Good knowledge of Harmonics. 熟悉低压电气设计,交直流电源转换。对谐波知识非常了解。
- AUTOGYRO :A rotorcraft the wings of which are not provided with any form of direct power drive. 自动迴转仪:一种旋翼航空器,其机翼不提供任何形式的直接动力驱动。
- AUTOGYRO : A rotorcraft the wings of which are not provided with any form of direct power drive. 自动迴转仪:一种旋翼飞机,其机翼不提供任何形式的直接动力驱动。
- He wanted love to be the directing power even of the mines. 他甚至希望用仁爱来作为煤矿的动力。
- The quantum dots also enhanced visible light absorption and boosted the photocurrent and power conversion of the material. 量子点还能增强可见光吸收,并增加光电流和这种材料的能量转换。
- Thyristors, or silicon-controlled rectifiers(SCRs) have been the traditional workhorses for bulk power conversion and control in industry. 晶闸管,即可控硅整流器,一直广泛应用于工业中的大型功率转换和控制。
- Direct power rack and pinion steering left us with a satisfying sense that we knew exactly what the car was doing while whipping wheel on the ‘Ridge. 直接供电的齿轮齿条式转向给我们留下了令人满意的意义上,我们确切地知道这样的车,而鞭打轮的'岭。
- Active magnetic bearings are important parts of helium turbines in the high temperature gas-cooled reactor(HTGR) power conversion unit. 电磁轴承是高温气冷堆动力转换系统氦气透平的重要组件之一,运行时出于设备保护需要对其进行冷却。
- The generic concept of quasi-single-stage (QSS) power conversion topology for ac-dc rectification and dc-ac inversion is proposed. 摘要 本文旨在研制以数位信号处理器为基础之切换式整流器,作为通讯与工业设备之供应电源。
- No enhancement of power conversion efficiency was found when optoelectronic small organic molecules were doped into organic photovoltaics. 发现有机光电小分子的掺杂对光电转换效率的提升没有帮助。
- The legislation removed APRA's direct power to disqualify directors of regulated institutions and requires , APRA to apply to the Federal Court for their disqualification. 在取消管理协会的资格的同时,这个法规删去了APRA的直接权利,并要求APRA向联邦法院提出申诉。
- Advanced processes for m icrofa brication of transformers and inductors used for high-frequency power conversion applications are reviewed. 磁性元件的集成化有望彻底解决功率变换器的小型化问题。
- Peng's comments on the pilot test of 15 aluminum makers' direct power purchase:” The key is to set a proper pricing mechanism, so as to reduce government intervention”. 彭森在谈到15家参加直购电试点的电解铝企业时,评论说:“关键是建立合理的定价机制,减少政府对价格过多干预的问题”。
- This dissertation presets the application of fuel cell power conversion systems based on proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 摘要:本文旨在研制以质子交换膜燃料电池为能源之燃料电池功率转换系统。
- Based on the graph of the reactance-distance, the scheme of reactance-distance can be used in fault location of direct power traction system with full parallel connection. 根据阻抗表达式绘出电抗距离曲线图,证明全并联直接供电牵引网短路时,故障点仍然可以采用电抗查表法进行定位。
- A t l ast this article discussed h ow t o charge t he wheeling and reserve when carry out direct power supply for the big consumer, and established the mathematics model. 本文还详细论述了实行大用户直供的过网费和备用费的计算方法,建立了数学模型,并通过算例进行验证。