- Deep into a dying day I took a step outside an innocent heart Prepare to hate me fall when I may This night will hurt you like never before. 那浸入死亡之日,我离开了天真的心。在即将沉沦之时憎恨自我,残夜让你遭受未受的苦难。
- Deep into a dying day 直到你即将死亡那天
- She was shown into a small room, where there was a dying man. 她被领进了一间小屋子, 那里有一个垂死的人。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- A scientist discovers way to transfer a dying person's consciousness into a new cyborg body. 女督察谢玲(青山知可子饰)殉职,男友祖(吴大维饰)伤心欲绝。
- The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project. 该组织正深深陷入一个长期的自我剖析过程,即新闻可信度调查项目。
- If you gaze deep into a crystal ball, you will see a versatile gemstone, one of the most popular gems on earth. 水晶球,你会看到一个多彩多姿的宝石,它是世界上最受欢迎的宝石之一:美丽的水晶。
- A carter was driving a wagon along a country road, when the wheel sank down deep into a rut. 一个车夫赶着一辆货车走在乡间小路上,突然,车轮子一下子陷进了深深的车辙里。
- CARTER was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. 一名车夫赶着货车沿着乡间小路行进。途中车轮陷入了很深的车辙中,再也无法前进。
- Their purpose in clicking deeper into a site is one of vetting. 他们深入点击网站的目的是一种诊疗。
- Deep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and everybody got off the bus except Vingo. 深夜,车停在了一家霍华得餐馆前(即霍华得连锁餐馆中的一家,下文还有“另一家霍华得餐馆??译者注),除了温格以外其他人都下了车。
- She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她冲出屋子走进了狂卷着的暴风雪中。
- The root of a plant grows deep into the soil. 植物的根扎在土壤的深处。
- His lips contorted into a grimace. 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。
- The court had cleared the docket by sitting deep into the night. 法院开庭到深夜,处理了所有应审的案件。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The explorers went deep into the jungle. 探险家们进入丛林深处。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- He went on studying deep into the night. 他继续学习至深夜。
- He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg. 他撞在了一个电话亭上,伤了腿。