- Crew Centered Cockpit Design 以机组人员为中心的座舱设计
- The HMD eliminates the cost and weight associated with traditional head-up displays and simplifies cockpit design. 头盔内嵌显示器消除了与传统抬头显示器相关的花费和重量,并简化了座舱设计。
- Several Human Factor Engineering Problems in Pilot Cockpit Design 飞机驾驶舱设计中的人因工程问题
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- Primus Epic System for Cockpit Design in the 21st Century Primus Epic系统将用于21世纪公务/支线飞机驾驶舱的设计
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- The crew is in trim for the boat-race. 船员们都准备就绪,等待比赛的开始。
- Men are needed to crew the lifeboat. 需要有人来做救生艇的船员。
- The master or a crew member of a barge. 驳船船夫船上的船长或水手
- The people she'd invited were a pretty motley crew. 她请的人相当杂。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。
- Our debate centered on this Olympic Games. 我们的辩论是以这次奥林匹克运动全为中心的。
- The crew abandoned the sinking ship. 全体船员离开了正在下沉的船。
- Will you crew for me on my yacht? 你愿意在我的快艇上当水手吗?
- His whole attention was centered on this matter. 他的全部注意力都集中在此事上。
- The plane crashed but the crew are safe. 那架飞机失事了,但机组人员都安然无恙。
- A racing yacht sailed by a picked crew. 经过精选的队员所驾驶的赛艇
- He moved the table over to the center of the room. 他把桌子移到房间中心。
- The boys on that street are a rough crew. 那条街上的男孩是一群粗野的孩子。
- The land is destined for a new shopping center. 这块地已被划作为营建一个新购物中心之用。