- Weston had realized an easy competence. 韦斯顿先生阔气了。
- Mr Weston is such an excellent man. 韦斯顿先生是百里挑一的人。
- Mr. Weston is such an excellent man. 韦斯顿先生是百里挑一的人。
- Weston finished his manic typing. 威斯顿发狂似地打完了字。
- Pred Weston, Kwang S.Chung, Susan E. 译自: Mergess; restructuring and corporate contral / J.
- Phil Weston: I'm not crazy, I'm just thirsty! 我没有,我只是渴了!
- Weston, Richard A.Falk, Hilary Charlesworth. 作者声明: by Burns H.
- Mrs. Weston had formed a very favourable idea of the young man. 韦斯顿太太对这位年青人产生了一种十分良好的印象。
- Ceramiche Ricchetti, Iris, Colli, Lea, Viva, Casa Dolce Casa. 肱伊蜕夼铀裂 刑稍肆 樵撂缮;
- Emma rather than Jane was the recipient of his gallantries, however, and Emma could see that Mr. and Mrs. Weston were hoping that the romance would prosper. 但他对之大献殷勤的姑娘却不是简而是爱玛。爱玛明白韦斯顿夫妇希望这颗情种能够开花结果。
- The folk of Weston, however, saw it as an opportunity. 但是威斯顿的居民却将其视做一个良机。
- Mr. Weston entered into the idea with thorough enjoyment. 韦斯顿先生也十分高兴地赞成这个想法。
- Mr. Weston is rather an easy, cheerful tempered man. 魏斯吞先生是一个泰然自若、脾性轻快的人。
- Captain Weston was proved to have much the worst of the bargain. 韦斯顿上尉做了一件倒楣事。
- I was quite a young girl when I first met Richard Weston. 我第一次遇见理查德·威斯顿时还是一个年轻姑娘。
- Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune. 韦斯顿先生人品出众,广有钱财。
- "Mr. Weston thoroughly deserves a good wife," said Emma. “韦斯顿先生正该娶一个好妻子,”爱玛说。
- I monti produrranno pace al popolo, e i colli pure, mediante la giustizia! 因着公义,愿大山和小山都给人民带来和平。
- Henry Weston: When you say magical, do you mean special? 亨利?韦斯顿:当你说到魔法的时候,是想说特别吧?
- Buck Weston: I take a vitamin everyday. It's called a steak. 我每天都吃维他命,它叫做牛排。