- Citrus wilsonii Tanaka 香圆
- Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits. 桔子和柠檬是柑桔属水果。
- Mr. Tanaka, the superintendent, was very helpful. 楼房管理员Tanaka先生帮了大忙。
- Mr. Tanaka wants to buy into our company. 田中先生想成为我们公司的股东。
- The cultivation of citrus fruits. 柑橘类果树的栽培
- Miss Tanaka will marry Mr. Aoki. 田中小姐要和青木先生结婚。
- I want to talk to Miss Tanaka, T-A-N-A-K-A. 我要找田中小姐讲话。
- Citrus grandis Osbeck var.tomentosa Hort. 化州柚
- Mr. Tanaka will be here shortly. 田中先生马上就过来。
- Mr. Tanaka is Japanese but I am not Japanese. 田中君是日本人而我不是日本人。
- Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, prevents scurvy. 柑桔类水果中含有维生素C,可防治坏血病。
- Customer: TITe you are not. My title is Tanaka. 顾客:给你护照和姓名,我叫田中。
- Chemical constituents of Citrus grandis Osbecks. 化洲橘红的化学成分研究。
- Is this pen Ms. Tanaka's or Ms. Li's? 这只钢笔是田中的,还是小李的?
- Test on Function of Mycorrhizae In Citrus sp. 菌根的作用,在一种橘属植物中的试验。
- Customer: There you are. My name is Tanaka. 顾客:给你护照和姓名;我叫田中.
- Environmental regulation of Citrus photosynthesis. 柑橘属光合作用的环境调节
- "Where is your house?" Mr. Tanaka asked me. “你家在哪儿?”田中先生问我。
- Passifloraceae nom. conserv.Passiflora wilsonii Hemsl. 镰叶西番莲 Passiflora L.
- Agriculture: bananas, citrus, mangoes, root crops. 农业:香蕉;柑橘;芒果;根茎类作物.