- Cut Tax Would Stimulate China Economy Development More! 观点:减税更能刺激中国经济增长!
- Be in China, the directest is hypostatic to China economy brought negative effect. 在中国,最直接的就是对中国实体经济带来了负面影响。
- Especially after China entered into the WTO, the China economy will be inosculated with the economy of the whole world. 尤其是在中国加入WTO之后,中国的经济将全面融入世界经济一体化运行之中。
- With the sustainable and rapid development of china economy, the process of urbanization and metropolitan allies is accelerated. 随着我国经济的持续、快速发展,城市化进程日益加快,城市圈经济发展也较为迅猛。
- On 14th, Apr., The first “Overseas Chinese Entrepreneur China Economy High-class Seminar Commencement” was held at PKU. 4月14日,首届“华裔新生代企业家中国经济高级研修班”结业仪式在北大举行。
- "Investment heat, consumption is cool " should saying is one of outstanding issues with moving maladjusted structure of current China economy. “投资热、消费凉”应该说是当前中国经济运行结构失调的突出问题之一。
- External economic activity is domestic economy infuse new vitality, become a when stimulative China economy grows quickly main factor. 对外经济活动为国内经济注入了新的活力,并成为促进中国经济快速增长的一个重要因素。
- The region of the eastpart part that congeneric China economy developeds most, triangle of Pearl River delta, the Yangtse River.. 同属中国经济最为发达的东部地带,珠江三角洲、长江三角...
- Guan ZH,1991.Research on chemical ecology and its development strategy.In: Ma SJ ed.China Ecology Development Stratagem Research.Beijing: China Economy Press. 管致和;1991.;化学生态学及其发展战略研究。见:马世骏主编。中国生态学发展战略研究。北京:中国经济出版社。
- With the high-speed development of China economy, the amount of fulfillment of new apartment in cities is huge. It is a golden age for city construction. 随着我国经济建设的高速发展,住宅的建设量非常巨大,城市高层住宅建设也进入了一个黄金时期。
- Discussion: How do German business journalists report about Chinas economy? 讨论:德国驻京财经记者谈他们怎样报道中国经济?
- From whole see, China economy would be more and more flourishing, so China want to the world negative a kind of graveness responsibility, but now already arrive this time. 从整体看,中国经济会越来越发达,这样中国要对世界负起一种重大责任,而现在已经到了这个时候。
- Multinational Corporation"s saleroom has developed rapidly along with China economy increasing apace in past year.But the competition is coming more drastic and more drastic. 近几年来,随着中国经济的高速增长,跨国公司在中国的业务也取得了良好的业绩和高速的发展。
- With continuously development of China economy and fast growth of Chinese elderly people, with enhancing of buying power of elderly people, with constant changing of consuming conceptions of elderly people, Chinese grey market will further grow. 随着经济的不断发展,老年人口的快速增加,老年人购买力的逐渐增强和消费观念的改变,我国老年市场还将进一步扩大,开发老年市场极具潜力。
- Get the influence of element of inside and outside, end China economy showed contractive sign 2008, GDP of the 3rd quarter is added fast put delay to 9.9% , was 2004 the lowermost value since. 受到内外因素的影响,2008年末中国经济显示出收缩的迹象,第三季度GDP增速放缓至9.;9%25,是2004年以来的最低值。
- So, China has mitigated the impulsion that high oil price brought on the global economy.The development of China economy plays a very important role in the stabilization of the global economy. 因此,中国经济的发展减缓了高油价对世界经济的冲击,中国经济的持续健康发展对于稳定世界经济具有重要作用。
- Based on analysis on recent macroeconomic characteristics, the paper finds foreign exchange rate policy has increasing impact on macroeconomic performance with growingly opened China economy. 摘要本文通过对当前新一轮宏观经济波动特征的分析,发现随着中国经济对外开放度的日益提高,汇率政策对宏观经济的运行已具有越来越重要的影响。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- Three northeastern provinces of China's heavy industry concentrated areas of investment in China,they have a very important position in China economy,which made a significant contribution. 东北三省是我国重工业投资的集中地区,在我国国民经济中占有相当重要的地位,为我国经济发展做出过重大贡献。
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中国是以它的手工艺品而著称。