- Did the factory employ any child labor in the past one year? 在过去的一年中,工厂是否曾经雇佣过童工?
- In the Peruvian capital of Lima, legislators gather with child workers in an event calling for an end to child labor in the country. 秘鲁的立法者在首都利马召开关于童工的会议,呼吁该国取消童工现象。
- "Not in all regions, but particularly in Latin America and a stabilization of child labor in Asia and also in Africa," said Frank Hagemann. “并不是所有地区,主要是拉丁美洲地区和童工数量趋于稳定的亚洲和非洲地区。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor. 地方报纸登载一篇有关童工的特写。
- He is accused of exploiting child labor. 他被指控剥削童工。
- A basic unit of currency in Guatemala. 克札危地马拉的一种基本货币单位
- Employing child labor is forbidden in the United States. 美国禁止雇用童工。
- Guerilla ad in Guatemala for a Super Glue Product. 危地马拉(丁美洲)则为超级胶水做的移动广告。不知道那车子还能开吗?
- Visiting a small organic coffee farm in Guatemala. 来访的一个小咖啡有机农场在危地马拉。
- Society does not sanction child labor. 社会认为雇用童工应当受到制裁。
- He's heading up a tactical rescue mission in Guatemala. 他正在去往危地马拉执行一项营救作战任务
- The company was sued for exploiting child labor. 这家公司因压榨童工而被起诉。
- The lawyer was shot dead while cycling in Guatemala City. 该律师在危地马拉市骑自行车时中枪身亡。
- Doesn't Labor in Service Make Value? 服务劳动不创造价值吗?
- How Many Corporations still Hire Child Labor? 还有多少企业在非法使用童工?
- He labored in the mines for 30 years. 他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。
- ILO will devote a day to discuss the child labor. ILO会花一天时间讨论童工问题。
- Leverage mechanism for preventing labor in vain. 使用杠杆式夹具操作,可以达到省力的作用。
- The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets. 那商人只能零星地付给那工人工钱。