- Spoofing can be interpreted as the network security term used for forging. 电子欺骗可以解释成用于伪造的网络安全术语。
- The user must enter a value that can be interpreted as the specified type. 用户必须输入可以解释为指定类型的值。
- Shifts can be interpreted as multiplications by 2 and divisions by 2. 移位可以被解释为乘2(向高位移)和除2(向低位移)。
- To search for characters that can be interpreted as wildcard characters, you can specify an escape character. 要搜索可以解释为通配符的字符,可以指定一个转义字符。
- Another problem is line ending characters, which can be interpreted as command endings. 另一个问题可以被解释为命令结束的行结束符。
- What fascinates me most is that these sensations can be interpreted as either anxiety or excitement. 让我最感到惊奇的是这些感受可以诠释为焦虑也可以当作兴奋。
- It's a bit of a paradox that the "romanticized" idea of the warfare is one that can be interpreted as dull. 这是一个有点自相矛盾的"传奇"理念的战争,也可以被解释为平淡。
- The problem can be solved graphically as follows. 本题可用如下作图法求解。
- PDCA can be briefly described as follows. PDCA模式可简述如下。
- The situation can be handled conveniently by equations as follows. 这种情况可以用下面的公式很方便地表达。
- The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。
- In the laser this damping mechanism can be visualized as follows. 在激光器中,这种阻尼机理可以如下理解。
- Science is one of the ways in which nature can be interpreted. 科学是解释大自然所用的方法之一。
- The relationship between stresses in the two systems can be found as follows. 两种单位制中应力之间的关系,可以求出如下。
- Skimping on your selection can be interpreted in a number of ways. 在商务贺卡上省钱可能导致多种不好的结果。
- This can be done numerically by computer or algebraically as follows. 这可借计算机用数值去完成或像下面那样用代数来完成。
- The new outlook can be interpreted with the principle of ecosystem. 新地球观可以用生态系统的机理加以解释。
- Point data appearing on the coding forms can be categorized as follows. 编码显示的点数据,可以归纳如下。
- The effects of HPAM on the IFTs of combined system can be explained as follows. 随着HPAM浓度的增加,体系界面张力先是下降,达到一最低值后略有上升。
- If specified, value is interpreted as the required interval value, and can be a value from 10 to 28,800. 如果指定了value,则将其解释为所需的间隔值,可以是从10到28,800的一个值。