- Cable making tools 造线机
- The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age. 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。
- A wise man will make tools of what come to hand. 智者身边物,可当工具用。
- A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. 能随机应变的人是聪明人。
- Primitive man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 原始人用尖石块和动物的骨制造工具。
- The cable made up of strands is squeezed into a circular shape. 将钢丝束组成的缆挤压成圆形。
- Ancient men made tools of stone. 古代的人制作了石头工具。
- In early times men made tools out of stone. 古时候人们用石头做工具。
- The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the lron Age. 人类学会制造铁器的时期称为铁器时代。
- This spongy iron could be hammered into shape to make tools and weapons. 这种海绵铁可以锻成一定形状,用来制造工具和武器。
- Locals in the Amazon region often use piranha teeth to make tools and weapons. 亚马逊当地人经常用食人鱼的牙齿来做工具和武器。
- The need to ground the shielding and the bulky size of coaxial cable make it more difficult to install than other copper cabling. 同轴缆线的必需遮蔽接地和大尺寸使得它比其他的铜质缆线更难安装。
- One day when John was not very busy,a figure in a long,white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools. 这一天,老约翰不太忙。当他正"叮当叮当"地打制工具时,一个身着白色长袍的身影出现在他眼前。
- Garwin and Juri Matisoo published a design for a 1,000-kilometer transmission cable made of niobium tin, which superconducts at high currents. Garwin)和马蒂苏(JuriMatisoo)发表一项设计,以铌锡合金制成1000公里长的输送电缆,能以超导特性输送大电流。
- One day when John was not very busy, a figure in a long, white robe appeared beside him as he clanged away making tools. 这一天,老约翰不太忙。当他正"叮当叮当"地打制工具时,一个身着白色长袍的身影出现在他眼前。
- The second kind of indirect labour is that employed in making tools or implements for the assistance of labour. 第二种间接劳动是制造劳动工具或器具所使用的劳动。
- The inner vented connection cable makes pressure compensation of the measuring cell against the atmosphere possible and thus hydrostatic pressure measurement. 内部通风连接的电缆可以补偿测量单元与大气压之间的压力差,这样就可以实现流体静压测量了。
- They might also use wood and fell for making tools, but these things discomposed early in the past. 他们也可能用过木头和兽皮,但这类东西早已腐烂殆尽。石头是不会腐烂的。
- Movie making tools: Even the most novice in moviemaking can create something very special. 电影制作工具:即使初级的新手制作电影也可以创建非常特别的事情.
- Can make tools at the request of customers. For instance, place their own logo or advertisement on the tools. 可按用户的要求定制工具栏,如在工具栏上使用用户自己的商标或广告等。