- Communism is already acknowledged by all European Powers to be itself a Power. 共产主义已经被欧洲的一切势力公认为一种势力。
- Let it be itself if you are not able to deal with it. 如果你束手无策.;就听其自然好了
- But under the shadow of Big Brother,might it not be hard for a public to be itself of find itself? 可是,在“老大哥”(专制政治)的阴影的笼罩下,公众要得到人身自由,要寻求自我,又何尝不是什难事呢?
- Without streaming of sand, sandgrass can yet be itself evermore, while just unbroken? 没了漏沙的流动;沙漏是否还能永恒;即使不破.
- Perhaps that is because Texas was itself Mexican until 1836. 或许这是因为在1836年之前,德州本身属于墨西哥的原因。
- Is it a desire to be itself expended in doing that which may be helpful or constructive? 确实有通过帮助性、建设性的行为而使自我得到扩展的愿望吗?
- It disarms by being itself disarmed, strikes without wounds, wins wars without casualties--though not, of course, without victims. 魅力如爱,不用外力施威,承载自然天赋。魅力极具诱惑,但绝不苛刻,它和悦地捕捉、温柔地打动、和平地俘获“猎物”。
- I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European Powers to be itself a Power. 共产主义已经被欧洲的一切势力公认为一种势力;
- Transferring 20 million people to the countryside was itself no easy job. 单单两千万人下放这一件事情,就不容易呀。
- This critical deficiency was itself due to three factors which interacted with each other over the entire period. 这个关键性逆差来源于三个始终相互作用的因素。
- This meant that the play or story that provides the structure of the piece must be itself an interesting and cogent drama. 这意味着提供情节结构的剧本或故事本身必须引人入胜,有说服力,并富于戏剧性。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- Imagine you were living in a house on the top of a mountain which was itself at the top of the whole world. 想像你住在世界第一高峰顶上的屋子里。
- Her denunciation of Communism was itself denounced by Bemard Levin as a means of getting a "cheap cheer". 她对共产主义非难这件事遭到伯纳德?莱文谴责,说这是搏
- The fact that Herter had been asked to nominate me was itself a confirmation of his very strong standing in the Party. 现在要赫脱出面来提名选我,本身便说明赫脱在党内实力雄厚。
- Finally they concluded that postwar American role of global leadership was itself deeply flawed. 最后他们得出的结论是,美国在战后发挥全球领导作用的想法本身就是很成问题的。
- Ironically when the dam overtopped it was itself left pretty much intact - only the top meter or so was destroyed. 令人感到讽刺的是,大坝被淹没时,它依然保存完好,只有最上面的计量器被毁。
- British culture was itself turned into an industry and rendered down to columns of statistics. 不列颠文化本身变成了一种产业,并可以通过一列列的数据概括表达。
- Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. 不守时间是他的最大缺点。
- I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。