- Keywords Salsola affinis;Atriplex aucheri;Atriplex micrantha;seed polymorphism;germination behavior; 紫翅猪毛菜;异苞滨藜;野榆钱菠菜;种子多型性;萌发行为;
- Atriplex aucheri n. 野榆钱菠菜
- Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. 四翅滨藜
- Any of various plants of the genus Atriplex,especially A. hortensis,having edible,spinachlike leaves. 滨藜属植物一种滨藜属的植物,尤指绣球花属植物,具有可食的、类似菠菜的叶子
- Any of various plants of the genus Atriplex, especially A. hortensis, having edible, spinachlike leaves. 滨藜属植物一种滨藜属的植物,尤指绣球花属植物,具有可食的、类似菠菜的叶子
- By the experiment of brine marinating, it was found that the seeds of Atriplex centralasiatica could germinate normally when the NaCl content was less than 0.9%. 通过盐水浸泡试验,发现中亚滨藜种子在NaCl浓度<0.;9%25的溶液中可正常发芽。
- The BADH cDNA (AcBADH) was isolated from the halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin.The deduced protein sequences showed high similarity with those of other plants. 克隆了盐生植物中亚滨藜(Atriplex centralasiatica Iljin)甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(AcBADH) cDNA;推测的氨基酸序列与其它物种的BADH有较高的同源性.
- A gene encoding choline monooxygenase from Atriplex hortansis and the approach to produce plants of salt and drought tolerance. Shouyi Chen, Yiguo Shen, Jinsong Zhang and Baoxing Du. 胆碱单加氧酶基因及培育耐旱耐盐植株的方法.;陈受宜;沈义国;张劲松;杜保兴
- Atriplex L. [医] 滨藜属
- Atriplex canescens(Pursh) Nutt. 四翅滨藜
- Atriplex micrantha C. A. Mey. 异苞滨藜
- Atriplex spp. 滨藜
- Atriplex verrucifera Bieb. 疣苞滨藜
- Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) cDNA cloned from Atriplex hortensis L. was transferred into tetraploid clone of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) by agrobacterium (Agrobacterium tumefaciens Conn) mediated transformation. 利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens Conn)介导法;将山菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)基因转入四倍体刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.;)
- The effects of exogenous spermidine and dicyclohexylamine on the content of endogenous polyamines and salt resistance of atriplex under NaCl stress.Plant Physiology Communications,37(1):6-9. NaCl胁迫下外源亚精胺和二环己基胺对滨藜内源多胺含量和抗盐性的影响.;植物生理学通讯;37 (1):6-9
- Film Covering Afforestation Experiment of Atriplex in Loess Plateau 四翅滨藜在黄土丘陵区的覆膜造林试验
- Physiological Property in Drought Resistance of Atriplex canescens 四翅滨藜抗旱生理特性研究
- Experiment on soft stem cutting of Atriplex canescens 四翅滨藜嫩枝扦插试验
- Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Atriplex triangularis 三角叶滨藜的组织培养和植株再生
- Bio-ecological Characteristic and Research Progress for Atriplex canescens 四翅滨藜的生物-生态学特性及研究进展