- Armed Guard Center Training School 武装警卫中心训练学校
- The prisoner is brought into the courtroom under armed guard. 在武装人的看守下,罪犯被带进法庭。
- Naval Armed Guard Center 海军武装防卫中心
- Armed Guard Center 武装警卫中心
- They will give him an armed guard. 他们会给他配备一队武装卫兵。
- The President always travels with an armed guard. 总统出行均有武装卫队保驾。
- The prisoner was taken away by an armed guard. 一个持枪的狱警把犯人带走了。
- There was an armed guard at the gate of the palace. 皇宫大门有个武装的卫兵。
- The prisoner is bring into the courtroom under armed guard. 在武装人的看守下,罪犯被带进法庭。
- The escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard. 越狱逃犯由武装警卫押回。
- Armed guards escorted the criminals to prison. 武装警卫把罪犯解送到监狱。
- Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。
- She left the courtroom flanked by armed guards. 她在武装警卫护送下离开法庭。
- All of you against the Queen and her armed guards? 就凭你们七个赤手空拳要打败皇后和她的警卫?
- The driver of the Jeep who was badly burned in the attack is under armed guard in hospital. 在袭击中的故意纵火的吉普车司机目前正在医院中处于被监守的状态下。
- The gold was reached the bank's vault under convoy of armed guards. 这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。
- He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back. 他走在白色瓷砖的走廊里,觉得像走在阳光中一样,后面跟着一个武装的警卫。
- And he ordered the people, "Advance! March around the city, with the armed guard going ahead of the ark of the Lord. 又对百姓说:“你们前去绕城,带兵器的要走在耶和华的约柜前。
- It remains ethnically cleansed of its Serb minority, who only survive in the province under armed guard by NATO. 在种族上,依然要清除塞尔维亚少数民族,塞族只能在受北约武装保护的省份生存。
- The armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard followed the ark. All this time the trumpets were sounding. 带兵器的走在吹角的祭司前面,后队随著约柜行。祭司一面走一面吹。