- Aristotelian sorites 亚里士多德连锁论法,亚里士多德复合三段论
- Transcending the Aristotelian categories. 超越阿里士多德的范畴的
- Could Aristotelian Logic be Translated into Chinese? 亚里士多德逻辑能翻译成中文吗?
- A follower of the philosophy of Aristotle;an Aristotelian. 亚里士多德信徒,逍遥派弟子亚里士多德的拥护者或其哲学的信徒
- Extrospection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: system modeling. 亚里士多德式外省:系统建模。
- Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization. 亚里士多德式内省:推广。
- He was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1963 to 1964. 从1963年到1964年,他担任亚里士多德学会的会长。
- Interpreting the Zhongyong: Was Confucius a Sophistic or an Aristotelian ? 解释《中庸》:孔子是诡辩派还是亚里士多德派
- The observations are of primary interest in the Aristotelian approach. 观察在亚里士多德方法中起了主要作用。
- To an Aristotelian, this is a meaningless question: the universe just is. 对一个亚里士多德的信徒而言,这是个毫无意义的问题:宇宙就是这样子。
- Burns,L.C.1991.Vagueness:an investigation into natural languages and sorites paradox.Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic Publishers. 吴世雄.;陈维振
- The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere. 亚里士多德对分配正义与平均正义的著名区分拟另作讨论。
- This conclusion did not agree with the generally accepted opinion of Aristotelian philosophy at that time. 这个结论与当时公认的亚里士多德学说不一致。
- An Aristotelian state in which civic honor or political power is proportional to the property one owns. 财权政治一种公民荣誉或政治权力与拥有财产成正比的亚里士多德式国家
- This thesis expound the content and the characteristic of the Aristotelian mean ethical thought. 本文论述了亚里士多德中庸伦理思想的内容特点。
- Life and death; Chinese perspectives; Aristotelian view of happiness; nihilism; absurdity of life; Thomas Nagel; debate on local cases. 生与死、中国人的人生观、亚里士多德对幸福的看法、虚无主义、生命的荒谬、尼高、本地个案之研究。
- However, this paper will show that it is possible to integrate the concept of akrasia into the Aristotelian ethics consistently. 然而,本文将证明,无自制力这个概念基本上仍然可以成功地被纳入亚理斯多德的伦理学系统。
- That leads us back to the ancient Greek,and especially Aristotelian,ethics of virtue. 这势必将我们带回古希腊,特别是回到亚里士多德的德性伦理学。
- Then, how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of Aristotelian modal syllogism? 那么 ,现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归呢 ?
- The Aristotelian paradigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic paradigm prefers the bird perspective. 亚里士多德的典范偏向蛙的眼光,而柏拉图的典范偏向鸟的眼光。