- Acropora tenella n. 小鹿角珊瑚
- Et Mey.[Anchusa tenella Hornem.;Bothriosper-mum asperugoides Sieb. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Bothriospermum tenellum Fisch.
- Cytogenetic typing showed the chromosome numbers were 28 in developed coral larvae for all the four Acropora species. 因此建议往后探讨珊瑚演化的相关机制时,必须同时考虑生态、行为、生殖和分子遗传的证据。
- Diet: Feeds mainly on algae, molluscs and sponges among Acropora heads within sheltered reefs. 饮食:饲料主要是藻类,软体动物和海绵元首之间的鹿角珊瑚礁保护范围内。
- The effects of Eimeria tenella infection on the population of some facultative anaerobic flora were studied. 兼性厌氧菌是鸡盲肠中共生微生物菌群的重要组成部分。
- Reproductivity and Pathogenicity of Precocious Shanxi Line of Eimeria tenella[J]. 引用该论文 古少鹏;韩克光;韩春来;曹宏卿;郑明学.
- On the other side, the four Acropora species shared some overlapping in spawning days and spawning time in Chinwan Inner Bay. 另一方面,轴孔珊瑚属相较于其他石珊瑚呈现快速演化的现象,也不适合用于探讨石珊瑚网状演化的可能性。
- The Pocilloporidae had relatively higher recruit densities but lower cumulative survivorship than Acropora sp. and Stylocoeniella. guentheri. 鹿角珊瑚科幼生具附著密度高,但其存活率有显著低于其它珊瑚种类;同时,轴孔珊瑚与变形合星珊瑚虽附苗密度低,但却有高存活率。
- Results showed that low light intensity hindered growth of V. agrestis and C. tenella, but the former could develop more leaves to adapt to the weak light condition. 结果表明,在弱光照下,婆婆纳和离子草的生长都相应减弱,但婆婆纳植株能萌发更多的叶片以适应弱光照条件;
- Four sympatric Acropora corals, including A. muricata, A. valida, A. hyacinthus, and A. humilis, were studied in the Chinwan Inner Bay, Penghu Islands from 2002 to 2005. (三)染色体数目的资料显示青湾内湾轴孔珊瑚并无多倍体或非整倍体的存在,不支持在澎湖青湾海域的四种轴孔珊瑚之间有杂交种存在的可能性。
- Pot experiments were carried out to study effects of light intensity and phosphorus application rate on growth and competition of Veronica agrestis and Chorispora tenella. 摘要通过盆栽试验,研究了不同的光照强度与P肥施用水平对两种重要麦田杂草婆婆纳与离子草的生长及其竞争关系的影响。
- Levy and his colleagues studied Acropora millepora, a coral that can grow a 30 centimeters across or wider and contain thousands of the individual polyps. 李维博士和同事研究的是多孔鹿角珊瑚,至少有30公分宽,内有数千个个别的珊瑚虫体。
- Using Eimeria tenella Houghton strain as a sensitive reference,resistance of two Hebei isolates (HBZ,HBH) and two Shandong isolates(SDZ,SDT) of Eimeria tenella to maduramicin was detected. 以对马杜霉素完全敏感和柔嫩艾美耳球虫豪顿株为参照 ,检测柔嫩艾美耳球虫 2个河北分离株(HBZ、HBH)、 2个山东分离株 (SDZ、SDT)对马杜霉素的耐药程度。
- These results showed that C1 is a clone, C2 and C3 is a clone,and C4 and C5 is a clone respectively,indicating that the genome of the 4 sporocysts in E. tenella oocyst is different. 鉴别结果表明C1为1个克隆,C2和C3为1个克隆,C4和C5为1个克隆,说明柔嫩艾美耳球虫卵囊中的4个孢子囊的基因组成不一致。
- Acropora solitaryensis: Axial corallites are tubular and distinct. Radial corallites are immersed on older parts of colonies, becoming tubular with nariform openings on peripheral parts. 轴向及径向的支干很难辨别;但都有锐利的边缘.;片状周围的支干几乎是水平的;片上的支干短且直立生长
- Research on Graft Technology of Prunus Tenella 俄罗斯矮杏嫁接技术研究
- tenella with an anticocidian index (ACI) of 180.8; 中药复方散剂具有中等抗球虫效果,ACI为178.;8。
- Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. tenella n. 爱氏辐环藻柔弱变种
- recombinant SO7 antigen of Eimeria tenella 柔嫩艾美耳球虫SO7抗原
- Keywords Eimeria tenella;SO7;Recombinant;Fowlpox virus; 柔嫩艾美球虫;SO7;重组;鸡痘病毒;