他认为衣著讲究是身分高贵的标志。 He thinks fine clothes are a mark of gentility.
门第高贵的高贵血统的 Of noble lineage.
高傲的,贵族的以符合老爷或作为老爷的尊贵的、高贵的方式的或具之特点的 In a dignified, noble fashion befitting or characteristic of a lord.
他的企图是完全高贵的;那就是,以结婚为手段来夺取贵妇人的财产。 His designs were strictly honourable; that is, to rob a lady of her fortune by way of marriage.
至少我对这种有恩于人类的、高贵的马铃薯、大地的黄金一般的果实,再也不等闲视之了。 I, for one, will never again take for granted the noble potato, golden fruit of the earth, to which we owe so much.