- 雅典的卫城高耸於雅典全城之上。
The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens.
- 高耸于维多利亚时代房屋店铺之上的是新开发的市中心高大的办公楼群。
Above the victorian houses and shops tower the monster office blocks of the redeveloped center.
- 它屹立在一块巨大的岩石上,像高耸入云的悬崖耸立于这个城市之中。
It stands on a huge rock, like a great cliff towering over the city.
- 那城堡高耸于城市之上。
The castle towers over the city.
- 那个洞穴在没人能爬的高耸的悬崖顶上,无法进入。
The cave is inaccessible, high up the top of a cliff which no one can climb.