早期艺术家某一艺术思潮发展初期阶段的艺术家,尤指文艺复兴以前的艺术家 One belonging to an early stage in the development of an artistic trend, especially a painter of the pre-Renaissance period.
原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的 Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.
原型一种原初的类型、形式或例证,是作为其后期阶段的基础的模型 An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged.
潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中 A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.