- 他逃跑一周後警方才逮住他。
He was on the run for a week before the police got him.
- 他向门口走去,企图逃跑。
He made for the door and tried to escape.
- 犯人趁着天黑逃跑了。
The criminal escaped under the cover of darkness.
- 那个贼顺着马路逃跑,我就拼命紧追不舍。
The thief ran off down the road, so I chased him for all I was worth.
- 那名重罪犯试图从监狱中逃跑。
That felon tried to escape from the prison.
- 他带着赃物逃跑了。
He escaped with his plunder.
- 囚犯挖了一条地道逃跑了。
The prisoner escaped by digging an underground tunnel.
- 小偷已逃跑了。
The thief has run off.