- 他在40个人的班级里排在第九名。
He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
- 他读三年级。
He is in the third grade.
- 将军的级别比上尉高。
A general ranks a captain.
- 六翼天使是圣经中级别最高的天使。
Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible.
- 社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。
The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth, etc.
- 他的级别比我高。
He is above me in rank.
- 我已经通过了日语的中级水平考试。
I've passed the intermediate level exam of Japanese.