粘合剂提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥 A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion.
这布花是用一种特殊的粘合剂固定住的。 The cloth flower snaps on with a special binder.
清漆,罩光漆一种颜料,含有溶解剂和氧化或脱水的粘合剂,用于把表面涂成坚硬的,有光泽的透明的膜 A paint containing a solvent and an oxidizing or evaporating binder, used to coat a surface with a hard, glossy, transparent film.
有些粘合剂能把东西牢固地粘在一起,所以一定要对好位置,一次粘成功。 Some of these contact adhesives set as hard as rock, so you must get the pieces that you are joining in position at the first try.