- 那是一本令人满意的书。
That is a satisfying book.
- 他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的。
The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory.
- 那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。
The lady looked at me with a contented smile.
- 我们的会谈已经取得了令人满意的进展。
We have made pleasing progress in our talks.
- 有些人是很难使其满意的。
Some people are very hard to satisfy.
- 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。
He made a satisfactory bargain with them.
- 他是否给出了令人满意的解释?
Did he provide a satisfactory explanation?
- 你必须接受这个令人满意或不满意的结果。
You must accept the result, satisfactory or otherwise.