- 白色是中性色。 White is a neutral color.
- 暧流 warm current
- 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。 Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint.
- 假暧区 false warm sector
- 取暧器 warmer
- 她脸上露出了惊异之色。 Her face registered surprise.
- 暧味表达 ambiguous and vague expressions
- 她的头发不是自然色。 Her hair is an unnatural colour.
- 蒸汽供暧 steam heating
- 黄色是她房间的主色。 Yellow is the prevailing color in her room.
- 穿暧和些 bundle oneself up
- 黄与蓝是互补色。 Yellow and blue are complementary colors.
- 暧圈仔羊 hot house lamb
- 谱色 spectral colour
- 全球变暧 global warming
- 地毯被阳光照到的地方褪了色。 The rug is faded where the sun strikes it.
- 辐射供暧 radiant heating
- 中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合 A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
- 供暧系统 heating system
- 淫思色欲 prurient thoughts.