- 往日激情将熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。
The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
- 报纸上的这篇文章为他的演讲提供了启发。
The newspaper article provided him with fuel for his speech.
- 那位记者发来了一篇描写极地生活的艰苦的文章。
The reporter has sent an article describing the rigors of life at the poles.
- 这期的周刊上有一篇有趣的文章。
There is an interesting article in this weekly.
- 你细读了这篇文章了吗?
Have you perused this article?
- 你读了有关信息革命的那篇文章没有?
Have you read the article on information revolution?
- 这篇文章中凭空臆测的东西太多。
The article has too many false presumptions.